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Namah Journal


Alphabetical Index

NAMAH Index - (August 1993 - January 2025)

Note to the Index

The three numbers shown in brackets at the end of each entry indicate the number of the volume and issue,the year of its publication and page number of the entry.

For example (4:2,1997,68) means
NAMAH Vol.4,Issue 2,published in 1997, page 68.

NAMAH became a quarterly from April 2000.

NAMAH - Index (by title)


ABC of the transformation of the body
The Mother - (14:1,2006,4)
Absent-mindedness, instinctive and wilful actions
Sandeep Joshi - (19:4,2012,36)
Adequate hydration — a key to health
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma - (24:3,2016,30)
Adapting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s teachings to an Integral Psychology
Margot Esther Borden - (24:4,2017,44)
Administratium (Perspective)
Anonymous - (13:4,2006,47)
Aftermath of suicide – a consciousness perspective
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:1,2018,38)
Agnihotra: a critical reappraisal
reviewed by Dr. Soumitra Basu - (4:2,1997,68)
AIDS: some reflections on its causation
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (3:1,1995,10)
Airway mucus hyper-secretion and its management through exercise interventions
Manikonda Prakash Rao - (23:1,2015,36)
The aim of physical culture
The Mother - (18:1,2010,4)
Align Your Will
James Anderson - (30:3,2022,17)
‘All is a single plan’
Angelika Kolb — (23:3,2015,15)
All The world’s a stage: On drama therapy
Lopa Mukherjee - (28:3,2020,38)
Alternative systems of medicine
Dr. Dinkar Palande - (1:1,1993,11)
Alternative therapies
An interview of Sundararajan by Monica - (16:4,2009,30)
Altruism in various lights
Dr. Monica Gulati - (30:3,2022,45)
Amazing phenomenon of extrasensory perception of nuclear structure and subatomic particles (Classical reprint)
Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan - (7:2,2000,18)
American psychology’s psychobiological perspective in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s theory of social development
Christian A. Latino - (25:4,2018,12)
The Anatomy of Desire
Rekha K. Amar - (32:3,2024,27)
The ancient principles of a pre-operative food regimen in the light of contemporary sciences
Dr. Dipsinh Chavda - (24:2,2016,31)
Annual Report of SAIIIHR
Editors - (14:1,2006,52)
Another dimension to the current pandemic (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (28:1,2020,7)
Analytical and synthetic approaches in psychology and psychiatry (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (28:1,2020,20)
An answer to irritation
James Anderson - (28:1,2020,46)
Another outlook on diabetes mellitus
Dr. Radhikaranjan Das - (1:1,1993,44)
Antibiotics failing to maintain edge over evolving microbes (New age news)
Lisa M.Krieger - (2:1,1994,80)
Antimycotic activity of herbal preparations
Dr. S.D.Biswas,Dr. Gouri Rani Ghosh,Dr. Mohini Gupta - (5:2,1998,12)
Anxiety in ontological terms (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:2,2018,7)
The approaches to Knowledge
The Mother - (22:4,2015,4)
Apropos Aggression (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (28:4,2021,7)
Apropos astrology and health (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:4,2018,4)
Apropos destruction (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:3,2021,9)
Apropos exclusivism in thinking (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:1,2021,7)
Apropos faith (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (22:2,2014,40)
Apropos Friendship (Notes on counselling)
Dr. soumitra Basu - (30:4,2023,43)
Apropos human attachment (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:3,2017,9)
Apropos Parapsychology (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:1,2023,7)
Apropos physical consciousness and health (Perspective)
Sri Aurobindo — (23:2,2015,38)
Apropos the Physical Plane of Consciousness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (32:2,2024,6)
Are all diseases curable?
Dr. Brenden Skudder - (14:4,2007,36)
The art of detachment (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (6:1,1998,37)
An armchair view of physicians and patients
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (25:3,2017,36)
The Art of Suffering Well
Dr. Monica Gulati - (30:2,2022,42)
Artificial Intelligence
Lopa Mukherjee - (30:1,2022,44)
The Art of Listening
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:4,2022,9)
The art of medicine has gone wayside
Third World Network Features - (15:3,2007,22)
The Ascent of Man — Unity and Diversity
Dr. Alok Pandey (32:2,2024,22)
Āmalakī,Emblic myrobalan (Emblica officinalis,Gaertn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy,Dr. N. Loganathan - (8:1,2000,31)
Āmra phala or Mango (Mangifera indica,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (12:1,2004,25)
The atmosphere of protection
The Mother - (24:3,2016,4)
Amrutaphalam,Guava (Psidium guyava Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (12:2,2004,29)
Attachment to Love — Darkness to Light
Dr. Monica Gulati - (29:2,2021,43)
Archetypal Psychology
Lopa Mukherjee - (27:3,2019,27)
Assisting holistic healing with biochemic tissue-salts
Prashant Shivanand Shah - (25:4,2018,19)
Attitudes of approach
R. Ramanan - (12:2,2004,34)
Attunement of the outer nature
The Mother - (25:1,2017,4)
The autonomy of experience and the unborn idea — Freud, Sartre and beyond (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:4,2018,7)
Awakening the consciousness of matter
The Mother - (25:2,2017,4)
A true physician
Dr. Alok Pandey (Editorial) - (11:3,2003,5)
Ayurveda and acupuncture
Dr. A.Jalil - (2:2,1995,18)
Ayurveda and cancer management: a literature review
Dr. Martha Bhaskar Rao, Dr. Balakrishna, Dr. P. Suresh and Dr. Reena (21:1, 2013, 12)
Āyurveda in the light of the Integral Yoga
Dr. Swarupa Nishar and Govind Nishar - (18:1,2010,25)
Āyurvedic concepts of immunity
Dr. S.K. Mishra - (10:3,2002,37)
Āyurvedic evaluation of Galagaṇda: an overview
Dr. M. Bhaskar Rao - (9:3,2001,8)
Āyurvedic management of baldness
Dr. Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania and Dr. Archana Verma - (16:2,2008,17)
Āyurvedic interpretation of svapna (dream)
Dr. Asit K. Panja - (19:4,2012,42)
Āyurveda moves with nature
Dr. P.V.Sharma - (1:2,1994,12)


The bad back problem (Medical humour)
Art Buchwald - (5:2,1998,70)
Bad thoughts
The Mother - (22:1,2014,4)
Baheḍā or Vibhītakī (Terminalia bellirica,Gaertn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy,Dr. N. Loganathan - (8:2,2000,17)
Barburah or Indian gum arabic (Acacia arabica,Willd.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (15:4,2008,43)
Becoming a physician (Perspective)
Dr. Katherine Treadway,Dr. J. Coulehan,Dr. P.C. Williams - (13:2,2005,31)
Behind the iron curtain: encounters with death
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:4,2001,22)
Beholding our dark shadows
Poorva Sharma - (29:2,2021,19)
Being happy
James Anderson - (22:3,2014,26)
Being ill in current times (Perspective)
Dr. Vallath Nandini - (17:4,2010,42)
Being present
James Anderson - (21:3,2013,21)
Beyond humanity (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (28:4,2021,10)
Beyond paradigms
Dr. Alok Pandey - (19:4,2012,27)
Beyond paradigms II
Dr. Alok Pandey - (20:1,2012,23)
Beyond paradigms III
Dr. Alok Pandey - (20:2,2012,11)
Beyond paradigms IV
Dr. Alok Pandey - (20:3,2012,11)
Beyond the Relaxation Response (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:1,2016,35)
Bhūmī āmalakī, Phyllanthus
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (19:3,2011,40)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (3:2,1996,67)
Biofeedback and chronobiology as conceived in ancient Indian medicine
Dr. Girish Singh - (6:2,1999,48)
The blessings of illness (Perspective)
Kelly Johnston - (22:2,2014,43)
The Bhuj phenomenon (Perspective)
Dr.Sanjeev Rastogi - (9:2,2001,49)
Birth of a soul
The Mother - (17:3,2009,4)
The body and psycho-spiritual process (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (13:1,2005,17)
Body and soul
James Anderson - (18:1,2010,16)
The body beautiful (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:4,2013,51)
The body-consciousness
The Mother - (14:2,2006,4)
Body consciousness work
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (25:4,2018,46)
Body-Energy (Insight)
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (24:3,2016,37)
Body-mind connection (Insight)
The Mother - (4:2,1997,90)
Body-mind medicine in action: the Integral Health Clinic of All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr. R. L. Bijlani - (12:2,2004,37)
The body — our perfect teacher
James Anderson - (27:2,2019,18)
Body, the Occult Agent (Insight)
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (25:3,2017,47)
Brāhmī ( Bacopa Monniera,wettst. and Hydrocotyl asiatica,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (10:2,2002,17)
Bridging spiritual practice and psychotherapy (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (13:3,2005,13)
Building of a hospital (Caraka saṁhitā(Sūtrasthāna,XV,SI. 6-7)) (Leaf from the past)
Dr. P.V. Sharma - (10:3,2002,43)


A Call for Collaboration
Dr. Anand Kumar - (30:1,2022,54)
Calling Her force
James Anderson - (10:2,2002,53)
Call of the Impossible
Sri Aurobindo (Moving Forward) - (7:1,1999,4)
The call of the supernatural
Lopa Mukherjee - (29:4,2022,33)
Cameo Cases
Dr. D.E. Mistry - (7:2,2000,48)
Can a neuroscientist opine about God? (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (14:2,2006,7)
Dr. Manu Kothari and Dr. Lopa Mehta - (15:4,2008,56)
Cancer: a call to bring forth the Psychic
Monica Gulati - (27:2,2019,22)
Cancer: a cheap bargain
Monica Gulati - (27:4,2020,29)
Cancer: a chance to recognise the disharmony among the various parts of the being
Monica Gulati - (28:1,2020,27)
Can genes make ME? (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:2,2004,49)
Cancer's a funny thing (Reflections)
Dr. J.B.S.Haldane - (5:1,1997,62)
Can handwriting help in the detection of children's traumatic sexual experiences ?
Dr. Devayani S. Kashyap - (16:2,2008,44)
A Leaf from the past
translated by Dr. P.V.Sharma - (1:1,1993,18)
Caraka samhitaa (Leaf from the past)
translated by Dr. P.V.Sharma - (4:2,1997,63)
Case against immunizations
Dr. Richard Moskowitz - (3:2,1996,27)
A case of autism
Dr. K.S. Srinivasan - (10:1,2002,15)
A case of hepatitis C (Case study)
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar and Dr. Arati - (17:4,2010,31)
Case of Leukodystrophy
Dr. D.E. Mistry - (9:2,2001,18)
A case of mistaken identity
Dr. Monica Gulati - (29:3,2021,38)
A case of post-herpetic neuralgia with keloids (Case study)
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar,Dr. Arati Sharma - (18:4,2011,32)
A case of Wilson's disease (Case study)
Dr. D.E. Mistry - (12:1,2004,42)
Case-studies: Integral Yoga / bio-energetic healing system (IY/BE)
Joachim P. Seckel - (26:1,2018,42)
Case study in integral health
Dr. Alok Pandey - (1:2,1994,68)
A case study on the evolution stategies of leprosy control and elimination
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (11:3,2003,23)
Case study
Dr. Radhikaranjan Das - (2:1,1994,70)
Case study
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (2:2,1995,64)
Case study
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (3:1,1995,80)
Case study
Dr. Sharmila Basu - (3:2,1996,63)
Case study
Dr. Alok Pandey - (4:1,1996,75)
Case study
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (4:2,1997,92)
Case study
Dr. Alok Pandey - (5:1,1997,84)
A case study — regression of uterine fibroids (Case study)
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma - (24:1,2016,40)
Change and transformation
James Anderson - (25:1,2017,14)
Childhood experience of identification (Leaf from the past)
C.G.Jung - (2:2,1995,38)
Cikitsā (Think it over)
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra - (18:3,2010,42)
Clairvoyance as a diagnostic tool
Camille Van Neer - (2:1,1994,61)
A clearer vision — a case study in Integral Health (Case study)
Dr. Debabrata Sahani, Dr. Debashis Bhattacharya - (22:2,2014,46)
Clinical evaluation of Trombidium in amoebic dysentery
Dr. Arun Bhasme - (20:1,2012,17)
Clinical study on banyan milk and turmeric powder
Dr. Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania and Dr. Archana Verma - (15:1,2007,50)
Coconut or Naarikela (Cocos nucifera,Linn.,)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (9:2,2001,34)
Code Krishna: an innovative practice respecting death, dying and beyond
Dr. Bhalendu Vaishnav, Dr. Somashekhar Nimbalkar, Sandeep Desai, Dr. Smruti Vaishnav - (25:3,2017,11)
CODEX Alimentarius: a scourge or a bane (News and views)
Editor - (7:1,1999,75)
Collective bio-energetic detoxification
Joachim P. Seckel - (24:1,2016,46)
Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — I
Joachim P. Seckel - (24:3,2016,40)
Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — II
Joachim P. Seckel - (25:1,2017,34)
The coming race
Sri Aurobindo,The Mother - (16:1,2008,4)
Coming up for air
James Anderson - (19:4,2012,12)
Common salt or sodium chloride
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (19:2,2011,47)
A comparitive evaluation of the antioxidant potential of organic rice and a commercial variety
Dr. Anil Kumar Sagi - (21:3,2013,18)
Conjunctive Treatment for Covid-19: Integral Yoga and bio-energetic technique
Joachim P. Seckel - (28:4,2021,43)
A comprehensive review of chronic kidney disease from the Ayurvedic perspective
Dr. Monika Kumari, Dr. Priti Patil, Dr. Asit Kumar Panja, Dr. K.L. Meena - (22:4,2015,23)
The concept of mind according to Ayurveda — (Perspective)
Dr. E. Shaji Raj (21:1, 2013, 35)
Connotations of freedom in counselling
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (28:4,2021,39)
Conquering Fear, Doubt and Scepticism
The Mother - (31:3,2023,4)
Conquering negative attitudes (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (22:3,2014,36)
Conscious eating (Perspective)
Nimisha Rattan - (22:4,2015,52)
Conscious Journey towards a Stress-free State
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (30:2,2022,47)
Conscious perfection — dignity of the inner being (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:3,2017,41)
A consciousness approach to manage lifestyle disorders
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (27:1,2019,25)
Consciousness and Healing
Dr. Alok Pandey - (29:3,2021,23)
Consciousness: An Expanding Experiential Construct
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (30:2,2022,21)
Consciousness as medicine (Case study)
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (20:4,2013,55)
Consciousness as medicine: reflections and experiences with acute illnesses
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (23:4,2016,9)
Consciousness-force,socially constructed reality and therapy
Dr. David Johnston - (11:3,2003,7)
A consciousness perspective of disability (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:4,2019,41)
Consciousness: the mechanistic and the mystical views
Dr. A.S.Dalal - (4:2,1997,76)
Consciousness — the Need for a New Paradigm
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (30:3,2022,23)
Conscious individuality
James Anderson - (24:4,2017,19)
Conscious will on the body
The Mother (21:1, 2013,4)
Consortium of health-training institutions for India (Editorial)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (10:4,2003,5)
A co-ordination in diabetes mellitus
Dr. M.M. S.Ahuja,Dr. D.E.Mistry - (2:1,1994,18)
Coronary heart disease (News and views)
Editors - (3:1,1995,89)
The cosmic evolution
Dr. Srikantha Arunachalam - (21:3,2013,27)
Cox-2 inhibitors
a lesson in the unexpected - (News and views)
Crazy about cholesterol (Classical reprint)
Lynne McTaggart - ( 8:3,2000,14)
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – I
Joachim P. Seckel - (23:1,2015,20)
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – II
Joachim P. Seckel - (23:2,2015,26)
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – III
Joachim P. Seckel - (23:3,2015,37)
Creative arts in therapeutic use (Perspective)
Dr. M.M.S.Ahuja - (5:2,1998,52)
Creative resonance and energy medicine for wholeness
Ambika Talwar - (21:4,2014,45)
A critical review of Kāla (Time) in Āyurveda
Dr. Jasmine Sehgal, Dr. Bhavna Singh, Dr. Harsh Sehgal - (30:4,2023,16)
The Creative Soul (Insight)
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (27:2,2019,45)
Creative resonance and energy medicine for wholeness
Ambika Talwar - (21:4,2014,45)
Cultivating a Sense of Interconnectedness: Rejoicing and Sharing Merit
Dr. Monica Gulati - (31:2,2023,41)
Cultivating an Ecological Consciousness
Lopa Mukherjee- (31:3,2023,18)
Cultural U-turns in understanding mental health
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (24:4,2017,11)
To cure a disorder
The Mother - (17:4,2010,4)


Dr. K. H. Krishnamurthy - (17:1,2009,18)
Dancing the elements with Wu Tao
Michelle Locke - (18:1,2010,46)
The dangers of oversimplification
Dr. Soumitra Basu (28:2,2020,9)
Dealing with bereavement (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:3,2019,32)
Dealing with broken love (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:3,2018,38)
Dealing with childhood libido — a consciousness perspective (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:1,2019,39)
Dealing with fear in children — personal notes
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:2,2011,35)
Dealing with harmony (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (23:1,2015,47)
Dealing with stigma (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:1,2012,39)
Dealing with the ego (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:2,2019,7)
Death and Immortality (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:4,2001,5)
The deathless rose
James Anderson - (15:2,2007,38)
Death is not a Necessity
The Mother - (31:2,2023,4)
Death's Messengers
Author unknown - (17:2,2009,50)
The delusional thought-space and cosmic consciousness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:3,2018,6)
Dementia – personal encounters (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:1,2011,25)
Depression — a consciousness world-view (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:1,2017,22)
The descending path
James Anderson - (19:2,2011,10)
Develop your own immunity
James Anderson - (29:3,2021,18)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (5:2,1998,55)
Diagnosis and management of anuktavyādhi (undescribed diseases) through Āyurveda
Dr. Ritesh Gujarathi, Dr. Jasmine Gujarathi - (23:2,2015,16)
Dietetic conversation with my brother,chiefly about the instinct of the stomach (Leaf from the past)
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann - (1:2,1994,44)
The discovery of insulin
Dr.Ilza Veith - (16:3,2008,28)
Disease,chaos and freedom
Dr. Alok Pandey - (3:2,1996,22)
Disease — the inner disharmony (Perspective)
Dr. Y.V. Chawla - (12:2,2004,25)
Dissociation of consciousness — implications in psychology and yoga
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:4,2020,34)
Dissolving desire
James Anderson - (26:1,2018,29)
A disturbing trend (News and views)
Editors - (3:1,1995,88)
The Divine Body
Sri Aurobindo - (15:3,2007,4)
Doctor-shopping (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (4:1,1996,5)
Draakshaa or Grape (Vitex vinifera,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (13:2,2005,34)
Dreams and Sadhana
Lopa Mukherjee - (32:3,2024,13)
Drugs,values and the time-spirit
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (3:1,1995,69)
Dying Every Single Day
Mira Prabhu - (24:2,2016,27)
Dynamic plants for farming and healing
Dr. Lucas Dengel - (10:4,2003,10)
The dynamic realisation
The Mother - (24:2,2016,4)
Dysis vs disease
Dr. Manu L.Kothari & Dr. L.A.Mehta - (1:2,1994,58)


Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet — I
Dr. Ed Bauman, Jodi Friedlander - (23:4,2016,16)
Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet – II
Dr. Ed Bauman, Jodi Friedlander - (24:1,2016,20)
Eco-friendly hygiene with EM technology
Dr. Lucas Dengel - (14:3,2006,15)
Ecological medicine
(Waves from the web) - (9:4,2002,38)
Education and society: a philosophical perspective
Dr. P. Sudarshan - (7:1,1999,17)
Education (Perspective)
Dr. Jack Coulehan - (3:1,1995,66)
Effacing the memory of the body
The Mother - (13:2,2005,4)
The effect of flower remedies on bodily symptoms
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (20:4,2013,12)
Effect of shankhapushpii on the physical and mental agility of institutionalised children: a preliminary study
Dr. Valsa Koshi,Dr. Chatura Prabhakar,Dr. B.Vaidyanathan - (4:2,1997,71)
Effects of Musical Cueing in gait kinematics
Aradhana Deogharia - (30:4,2023,29)
The effect of yoga therapy in diabetes mellitus
Dr. P.S.Rugmini,Dr. R.N.Sinha - (2:2,1995,40)
Elā or cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum or repens)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (18:1,2010,36)
Sri Aurobindo - (23:4,2016,48)
Embodied cognition in yoga psychology
Sandeep Joshi - (19:2,2011,37)
Embracing life at midnight(Think it over)
Triasha Paul - (28:1,2020,38)
Embryogenesis (Leaf from the past)
Dr. K. H. Krishnamurthy and Sri V. V. Bhat - (10:2,2002,42)
An Emotional Literacy Programme
Lopa Mukherjee - (26:2,2018,10)
Emotional Literacy Training
Lopa Mukherjee - (26:3,2018,24)
Encountering Reality (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (26:4,2019,11)
Embrace Your Loneliness
James Anderson - (32:1,2024,32)
Empowerment of the Heart, by the Heart and through the Heart
Annika Maxwell - (27:1,2019,20)
The encounter of psychology and spirituality (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (12:2,2004,18)
The enigma of the human cell (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:4,2002,5)
Envisioning a New Earth
Preeti Mahurkar - (32:1,2024,10)
Equality – A prerequisite for higher living (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:4,2017,33)
Equality of the body– Equality of the soul
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (17:1,2009,4)
Eranda,castor (Ricinus communis,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (12:3,2004,19)
The essence of yoga (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (28:1,2020,32)
The Essence of immortality
The Mother - (28:3,2020,4)
Ethical considerations in the Āyurveda classics
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja, Suman Godara - (23:4,2016,32)
Ethical dilemmas and beyond
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (5:1,1997,9)
Ethical values in Ayurveda (Leaf from the past)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (6:1,1998,46)
Ethics and aesthetics (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (9:3,2001,5)
An evaluation of karañjādi taila and guñjā phala lepa in the management of khalitya
Dr. Dharmpal Bhatt, Dr. S.P.S. Jaijania - (20:3,2012,33)
The ever-present encounter with the soul — infirmities challenges and end of life
Dorathea Thompson - (24:2,2016,19)
The evolutionary journey of medical science (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey (18:1,2010,8)
The Evolutionary Leap
Dr. Alok Pandey - (31:1,2023,26)
The evolutionary theory (News and views)
Editors - (8:1,2000,45)
The evolutionary transformation of the body (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:3,2004,5)
The evolutionary transformation of the body (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (17:4,2010,9)
Evolution of human nature
M.S. Srinivasan - (17:1,2009,39)
Evolution Next
Dr. Alok Pandey - (22:3,2014,11)
Evolution Next — II
Dr. Alok Pandey - (22:4,2015,19)
Evolution Next — III
Dr. Alok Pandey - (23:1,2015,31)
Evolution Next — IV
Dr. Alok Pandey - (23:2,2015,23)
Evolution Next — V
Dr. Alok Pandey - (23:3,2015,28)
Evolution Next — VI
Dr. Alok Pandey - (23:4,2016,34)
Evolution Next — VII
Dr. Alok Pandey - (24:1,2016,31)
Evolution Next — VIII
Dr. Alok Pandey - (24:2,2016,41)
Evolution Next — IX
Dr. Alok Pandey - (24:3,2016,34)
Evolution Next — X
Dr. Alok Pandey - (24:4,2017,30)
Evolution Next — XI
Dr. Alok Pandey - (25:1,2017,40)
Evolution Next — XII
Dr. Alok Pandey - (25:2,2017,42)
Evolution Next XIII — a perilous bridge
Dr. Alok Pandey - (25:3,2017,30)
Evolution Next XIV : an unprecedented time
Dr. Alok Pandey - (25:4,2018,37)
Evolution Next XV
Dr. Alok Pandey - (26:1,2018,33)
Evolution Next XVI — the Age of Truth
Dr. Alok Pandey - (26:2,2018,24)
Experiences and reflections of a self-made healthcare specialist
Manikonda Prakash Rao - (25:2,2017,38)
Experiences of the Inner Being
The Mother - (28:4,2021,4)
Exploration into pranic healing
Dr. Arati Sharma - (3:2,1996,16)
Exploring Endurance: a process in the body of transcending a weakness
Dr. Monica Gulati - (32:4,2025,46)
Expanding the boundaries of knowledge (Reflections)
Lopa Mukherjee — (27:4,2020,25)
Expanding the Mind (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (32:4,2025,7)
Expanding the boundaries of knowledge
Lopa Mukherjee - (27:4,2020,25)
Expanding through pain
James Anderson - (23:3,2015,32)
The experience of surrender (Reflection)
Veronik Menanteau - (25:3,2017,44)
An experiment with detoxification
Dr. Soumitra Basu & Ms. Sharmila Ghosh Basu - (9:3,2001,35)


Facing Death (Think it over)
Frank D. Campion - (9:3,2001,18)
Facing mental challenges on the spiritual path: reaching equanimity
Denis Capdeville — (27:4,2020,43)
Facing pain
James Anderson (21:1,2013,18)
Facing Stress
Dr. Alok Pandey - (7:1,1999,58)
Facing the Hostile Forces
James Anderson - (31:4,2024,29)
Faith and the body
The Mother - (28:1,2020,4)
On Fantasy and Reality
Raag Yadava - (30:1,2022,29)
Fatigue and Work(Insight)
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (32:3,2024,46)
Fear and death
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (21:4,2014,43)
Fear and illness
The Mother - (26:1,2018,4)
The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It
The Mother - (25:3,2017,4)
Feeling better
supplied by Sushila Melvani — (20:3,2012,47)
Finally it is Faith that cures
James Anderson - (28:3,2020,46)
Finally it is Faith that cures (Perspective)
Dr. Satyavan V. Raichura - (12:3,2004,30)
The Fire and the Flower
M.S. Srinivasan - (16:2.2008,55)
The first international conference in Integral psychology (Notes on the way)
Dr. Michael Miovic - (7:2,2000,68)
Finding the root cause of a problem (Perspective )
M.S. Srinivasan - (15:3,2007,35)
The Fire of purification
James Anderson - (29:4,2022,45)
The Flame of a Candle Can Light up Another: An Inspirational Playlet
Jamshed Minoo - (31:2,2023,15)
Flower blessings: a glimpse
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (13:3,2005,41)
Flower essences for a case of chronic stress (Case study)
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (20:3,2012,39)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (17: 1,2009,30)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (II)
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (17: 2,2009,42)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (III)
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (17: 3,2009,45)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (IV)
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (17: 4,2010,22)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (V)
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (18:1,2010,43)
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (VI)
Dr. Vandana and Nancy Whitlow - (18:2,2010,29)
The flower of realisation
Dr. Shilpi Mohan - (29:3,2021,48)
Flower remedies: a note
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (2:1,1994,67)
Flower remedies based on the significances given to flowers by the Mother
Dr. Vandana - (6:1,1998,9)
Flower remedies in psychodynamic psychotherapy
Dr. Michael Miovic - (11:4,2004,24)
Flower remedies with significances from the Mother (II)
Dr. Vandana - (7:1,1999,49)
Flowers in ancient classics
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja,Dr. V. Sreedhar,Prof. B.L. Gaur - (12:3,2004,33)
The force of life (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey- (17:2,2009,7)
A folklore
Dr. Shaju M. Thomas- (17:1,2009,17)
Follow-up to ‘A case of hepatitis C’ (Case study)
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma - ( 20:1,2012,50)
Foothills to equality
James Anderson - ( 20:1,2012,10)
Foothills to equality - II
James Anderson - ( 20:2,2012,18)
Sri Aurobindo - (29:4,2022,48)
Forces of illness
The Mother- (17:2,2009,4)
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Denis Capdeville - (28:1,2020,43)
The four pillars of well-being — an integral approach
Dr. Geeta Kumar - (29:3,2021,29)
Freedom — different denouements (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:3,2016,7)
The freedom of the body
The Mother - (19:2,2011,4)
Freedom of choice (Notes on counseling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:4,2018,42)
From amoeba to star (Think it over)
Medhananda - (2:2,1995,62)
From a homoeopath's record (Case study)
Dr. U.R. Pachegaonkar - (9:4,2002,16)
From Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution – Liberation and Transformation
Preeti Mahurkar - (32:4,2025,40)


Gardening for the soul
Devashish Patnaik - (24:1,2016,15)
Generation next (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (16:1,2008,12)
Genetic cures have proven a 'false dawn'
Richard Alleyne and Kate Dev lin - (18:1,2010,51)
The Genesis of Pain in the Matrix of Consciousness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (30:1,2022,11)
The genesis of psychiatry in India
Dr. Soumitra Basu,Dr. A. K. Basu - (9:4,2002,28)
The Gift of Healing (Classical reprint)
Barbara Ann Brennan - (14:2,2006,25)
The Gift of Integral Yoga: New Birthing of Consciousness for an Uplifting Rebirth
Dr. Nandini Gupta - (32:4,2025,36)
The girl who thought she was a cow (Reflections)
Pat Williams - (6:2,1999,39)
The goals of medicine: setting new priorities
Prof. Cromwell Crawford - (11:2,2003,7)
God in technology (Perspective)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (8:1,2000,19)
Going Beyond Desire and Aversion
James Anderson - (31:1,2023,11)
Gokshurah,puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris,and Pedalium murex,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (13:1,2005,30)
The Golden Light
Sri Aurobindo - (31:4,2024,48)
Grahanii : an Ayurvedic perspective on irritable bowel syndrome
Dr. Brender Skudder - (16:4,2009,52)
Graphology as a diagnostic tool
R. Ramanan - (7:1,1999,8)
Graphology as a diagnostic tool (II)
R. Ramanan & T.Vijayalakshmi - (7:2,2000,12)
Gratitude — the great attitude Part 1 (Think it over)
Mira Prabhu - (22:4,2015,49)
Gratitude — the great attitude Part 2 (Think it over)
Mira Prabhu - (23:1,2015,44)
The graveyard and the intensive care unit - occult implications
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (23:2,2015,35)
Growing and expanding
James Anderson - (23:2,2015,12)
Growing leafy vegetables with Photobionics
Dr.Venkatesh Palla, Dr.Anil Kumar Sagi - (22:2,2014,28)
Growth of consciousness
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:2,2003,53)
The growth of a physician (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (7:1,1999,5)


The habit of happiness
Dian Huff Kiser - (24:3,2016,45)
Hadvaid - Manchershaw madhivala
Dhan Palkhivala - (21:4,2016,39)
Hallucinations and visions
The Mother - (26:4,2019,4)
Haridrā,Turmeric (Curcuma longa,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (12:4,2005,25)
Harītakī (Terminalia chebula Retz.)
Dr. N. Loganathan - (7:2,2000,40)
James Anderson - (17:2,2009,16)
Hatha yoga in psychiatry
Dr. Karel Nespor - (1:2,1994,48)
Hazards of acupuncture (News and views)
Editors - (4:2,1997,99)
The healer’s hand (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (18:2,2010,39)
The healer within
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:3,2004,39)
Healing communications (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (15:1,2007,7)
Healing and knowledge (Insight)
James Anderson - (27:1,2019,43)
A healing crystal grid: Antahkarana
Barin Mehta - ( 10:1,2002,31)
The healing space (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - ( 18:3,2010,39)
Healing through works
James Anderson - (26:4,2019,22)
Healing vibrations
Richard Leviton - (3:1,1995,30)
Health as a dynamically evolving equilibrium
Dr. Alok Pandey - (2:2,1995,47)
Health at the crossroads — the Indian scene (Editorial)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (11:4,2004,5)
Health: a dynamic inner equilibrium
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (3:2,1996,54)
Healthcare behaviour of inpatients in India
Dr. Chunkingham Holendro Singh and Dr. Laishram Ladusingh - (16:2,2008,24)
Health for all by 2000 AD... (Classical reprint)
Dr. N.C. Surya - (9:2,2001,12)
Health management
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:1,2004,37)
Health: mental vs spiritual perspectives (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:3,2000,5)
Healthy bowel habits
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma - (27:2,2019,32)
Health: the spiritual dimension (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:3,2002,5)
Heal Yourself by Changing your Consciousness
Prashant Shivanand Shah - (26:2,2018,19)
Heartwarming kids (Reflections)
Tim McGraw - (11:2,2003,24)
Apropos the heaviness factor in relaxation
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:1,2021,44)
Hedonistic issues in drug dependency
Dr. Ajai R.Singh,Dr. Shakuntala A.Singh - (2:2,1995,57)
Help to heal (Reflections)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (22:2,2014,35)
Hepatitis B vaccine -is it a solution for Hepatitis B infection? (News and views)
Dr. N. Loganathan - (9:3,2001,52)
He's my dad (Reflections)
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (5:2,1998,40)
Herb thesaurus of Ayurveda
Dr. Paramkusha Rao. M. - (12:4,2005,42)
Herbal therapeutics for duodenal & gastric ulcers
Ingrid Howard - (8:4,2001,10)
Herbal therapeutics for high blood pressure
Ingrid Howard - (8:3,2000,30)
Herbal medicine in Europe (News and views)
Editors - (13:2,2005,50)
Of hierarchies, attitudes and spiritual potential of our illnesses (Reflections)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (23:3,2015,45)
Historical biography of medicinal plants
Dr. P.V.Sharma - (5:2,1998,20)
History of Ayurveda
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (1:1,1993,22)
History of medicine
Anonymous - (8:3,2000,29)
Holistic animal news (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,88)
Holistic healing and Alternative Therapies
Prashant Shivanand Shah - (25:2,2017,12)
Holistic medicine
Dr. D.B.Bisht - (4:2,1997,50)
Holistic medicine in practice (Perspective)
Dr. Lucas - (3:2,1996,46)
Holistic medicine: its nature,merits and limitations
Dr. A.S.Dalal - (1:1,1993,2)
Homeopathy and healthcare: an interview with Professor George Vithoulkas
George Vithoulkas - (24:2,2016,8)
Homoeopathic medicine in dentistry
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (3:2,1996,12)
Holistic nutrition: from farm, to college, to community
Dr. Edward Bauman - (22:2,2014,13)
Homoeopathy and cancer
Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel - (22:1,2014,44)
Homoeopathy for the healthy child (Letters)
Dr. S.C. Mishra - (14:1,2006,48)
Homoeopathy in England: a review
Dr. Peter Chappel - (2:1,1994,49)
Homoeopathy: past,present and future
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (1:1,1993,34)
Homoeopathy today (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,90)
Hope — a journey towards Light
Dr. Alok Pandey - (21:3,2013,34)
Hospital construction in ancient India
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (11:1,2003,48)
Hospitals - health or ill-health institutions? (Think it over)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (14:3,2006,37)
The Hour of God
Sri Aurobindo - (32:2,2024,4)
How the spiritual dimension of health was acknowledged by the world health assembly: a report
Dr. S.Basu - (3:1,1995,47)
How to legally avoid unwanted immunizations of all kinds (Notes from the web) - (17:1,2009,43)
The human body : machinistic and consciousness view (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:4,2005,5)
How true it is?
Sushmita Mukherjee - (26:2,2018,31)
The ‘I-Am’ Experience (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:2,2018,35)

Human-management: the key to social health
Dr. Alok Pandey - (7:2,2000,8)
Human patterns and emotional healing
Dr. Peter Chappel - (3:1,1995,59)
Human Relationships and Yoga – I
Dr. Alok Pandey - (29:1,2021,19)
The human quest (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:1,2000,5)
Hypnosis in therapy (Case study)
Paul Dekker - (8:1,2000,21)


Idealistic vision of a Healing Centre
Dr. Vallath Nandini - (14:3,2006,40)
The idea of perfect life
The Mother - (21:2,2013,4)
Identifying the stress area for the future research in Ayurveda: a demographic study
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi,Dr. R. H. Singh - (6:2,1999,20)
Ikshuh or Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (11:4,2004,15)
Illness and its causes
The Mother - (18:2,2010,4)
Illness : an Integral view
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:2,2004,7)
Immortality and the body
The Mother - (20:3,2012,4)
Illness: an evolutionary perspective (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (17:3,2009,9)
Immunity in Āyurveda
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja - (17:3,2009,33)
Imperfect success vs. Perfect failures (Perspective)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (18:2,2010,42)
The importance of dantaśarkarā nirharaṇa in tartar-induced periodontal disease
Dr. Mridulata Maurya - (20:2,2012,45)
Impressions (Perspective)
Christopher - (4:1,1996,70)
Incorporating Spirituality in Higher Education and Patient Care: Innovative Practices
Dr Bhalendu Vaishnav, Dr Param Pathak, Dr Smruti Vaishnav, Dr Vibha Vaishnav - (32:3,2024,32)
Increasing the receptivity of the body
The Mother - (24:1,2016,4)
In defence of pain (Think it over)
Kelly Johnstone - (23:2,2015,45)
Individualisation in Integral Yoga Psychology
Manoj Pavithran - (31:4,2024,34)
In the Face of Error and Evil
Dr. Alok Pandey - (30:3,2022,10)
Infection and its management in Ayurveda
Dr. K. H. Krishnamurthy - (15:1,2007,31)
The Indian cow and medicine (News and views)
Editors - (4:2,1997,98)
The individuation process and care of the self
Dr. David Johnston - (12:1,2004,9)
Inhabit, Light! (Think it Over)
Sushmita Mukherjee - (32:2,2024,41)
Inner liberation and the change of consciousness
The Mother — (27:4,2020,4)
Infusing consciousness (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:2,2017,46)
Inner peace (Perspective)
Anonymous - (12:1,2004,45)
Inner transformation and the physical resistance
The Mother - (26:2,2018,4)
In search of the key (Reflections)
Dr. Lucas - (7:1,1999,65)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (3:1,1995,43)
Editors - (3:2,1996,80)
Insight into the brains
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (3:2,1996,8)
Insights into animal cognition
Sandeep Joshi - (20:1,2012,29)
Instinct and intuition (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:1,2019,7)
An integral exploration of the benefits of meditation
Dorathea Thompson - (26:1,2018,10)
Integral healing — a personal perspective
Dr. Debabrata Sahani - (24:2,2016,37)
Integral health
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (4:1,1996,8)
Integral health
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:1,2002,8)
Integral Health:concepts and clinical practice
Dr. Bhalendu S. Vaishnav - (13:1,2005,10)
An integral living (Leaf from the past)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (4:1,1996,67)
An integral model of health (II)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (2:1,1994,5)
An Integral Psychology Perspective on Bipolar Disorder
Manoj Pavithran - (31:1,2023,32)
Integral Regression Therapy (Perspective)
Sigrid Lindemann - (30:4,2023,51)
An integral view of health
Dr. Alok Pandey - (1:2,1994,5)
Integral Yoga / bio-energetic healing system
Joachim P. Seckel - (25:2,2017,24)
Integral Yoga/ Bio-energetic Healing System (IY/BE) — advanced techniques
Joachim P. Seckel - (26:3,2018,47)
Integrating a multi-faceted approach (Case study)
Dr. Debabrata Sahani - (23:2,2015,40)
An integrative approach — working through fear — case study of a 10-year-old boy
Dorathea Thompson - (25:1,2017,27)
An interpretation of the metres of Mādhavanidāna
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja - (20:1,2012,41)
International code of medical ethics (Perspective)
World Medical Association - (16:3,2008,55)
In the bubble
James Anderson - (24:3,2016,24)
Interview with a sungazer who doesn't need to eat (Question hour)
Editors - (13:2,2005,40)
In vitro or in vivo? The question before modern science (Insight)
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (29:2,2021,46)
In the shadows of death
A talk by Dr. Richard Teo - (20:4,2013,33)
Prem Sobel - (1:1,1993,39)
Is nerve regeneration possible?(News)
Is this the end?(Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:1,2002,5)
Is Technology a Catalyst in Human Evolution?
Dr. Aditi Kaul - (32:4,2025,30)
Is yoga a system of medicine?
Dr. R.L. Bijlani - (6:1,1998,27)
Iishaadgol,Iishaapagol or Iishaabgol(Plantago ovata,Forsk.)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (9:3,2001,27)


Jaamun,Black plum,(Eugenia)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (14:2,2006,41)
Jeeraka or cumin and caraway (Cuminum cyminum,Linn. and Carum carvi)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (18:3,2010,31)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (5:1,1997,68)
John the healer
Lee Carroll - (16:4,2009,57)
A journey of the heart
James Anderson - (19:3,2011,27)
A journey though pain (Case study)
Dr. Debabrata Sahani - (20:2,2012,50)
A journey through pain - a personal therapeutic saga
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (23:3,2015,21)
A journey with homoeopathy (Case study)
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar, Dr. Arati Sharma - (22:3,2014,39)
James Anderson - (16:1,2008,36)
Jump with Faith (Perspective)
Imran Ali Namazi - (32:1,2024,48)


Kadali or Banana (Musa paradisiaca,Linn.)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (9:4,2002,19)
Kena upanishad (Leaf from the past)
Sri Aurobindo (translation) - (5:1,1997,64)
Kesar,saffron (Crocus sativus,Linn.)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (14:4,2007,25)
Khadira (Acacia catechu,Willd.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (15:3,2007,24)
Khas or sugandhimuulah
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (11:2,2003,26)
Knowledge and Wisdom
The Mother - (30:4,2023,4)
Knowledge frameworks in medicine and health
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (23:3,2015,8)
The knowledge of the soul
The Mother - (23:1,2015,4)


Lahsun or garlic (Allium sativum,Linn.)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (10:4,2003,26)
Laughing and health (News and views)
Camille Van Neer - (2:2,1995,78)
Lavang,Clove (Myrtus caryophyllus,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (14:1,2006,39)
The law of change
Dr. Alok Pandey - (20:4,2013,27)
The law of change — II
Dr. Alok Pandey (21:1,2013,23)
The law of change — III
Alok Pandey Dr. - (21:2,2013,25)
The lessons of an epidemic (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (2:2,1995,5)
Let’s explore anger (Think it over)
Sumit Bajoria - (27:1,2019,46)
Govardhan Dave,Dr. Alok Pandey- (14:3,2006,47)
A letter in response to an article in The Times of India (Letters)
Dr. D. E. Mistry - (14:1,2006,48)
A letter in response to a letter from a devotee who has just started a clinic in Keonjhar,Orissa,India
Dr. Alok Pandey - (15:3,2007,41)
Dr. D.E. Mistry- (16:1,2008,55)
Bernhild Whitworth - (17:2,2009,52)
Letter (Forces in healing)
Suman - (17:4,2010,48)
Dr. Rajesh Kumar - (18:1,2010,54)
Letter — Homoeopathy in the 21st century
Dr. D.E. Mistry- (18:3,2010,48)
A letter concerning the hadvaid article
Dr. D. E. Mistry - (21:3,2013,46)
Letters on book review of ‘The China Study’
Dr. D.E. Mistry and Editors's reply - (15:1,2007,56)
Letters on the sungazer
Editors - (13:3,2005,51)
Life as a jigsaw puzzle (Reflection)
Mira Patel - (26:2,2018,47)
Life,disease and death (Insight)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (5:2,1998,65)
Linguistics in medicine
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (1:2,1994,29)
The Little Ego
Sri Aurobindo - (29:3,2021,50)
A little need
Pranjali Singh - (28:2,2020,51)
To live without dying (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (26:1,2018,6)
Luminous pearls on a cosmic string
Mira Prabhu - (26:2,2018,41)
A look at paradigms of disease (Think it Over)
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (18:2,2010,34)
Live Your Truth (Insight)
James Anderson- (31:2,2023,55)
Living the mantra
James Anderson — (27:4,2020,19)
Living truly
James Anderson - (21:2,2016,44)
Living with ageing (Letter)
Dr. S.P. Tiwari - (19:4,2012,52)
Love healed the bones — a case study in consciousness as medicine (Case study)
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (22:1,2014,40)
Love in healing
James Anderson - (22:1,2014,10)
Love your body – Healing will follow
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (25:2,2017,20)


Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (13:4,2006,34)
Madhurikā, saunf or fennel (Foeniculum vulgare,Gaertn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (18:4,2011,47)
Magic and miracles (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (14:4,2007,9)
The malady of the impersonality of ethics (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:2,2012,42)
Malarial fever and its Āyurvedic management
Dr. Riva Gupta, Smt. Archana Verma, Dr. Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania - (19:4,2012,46)
Man and society : human relationships (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:1,2004,5)
The Wall Street Journal (Think it over) - (16:3,2008,54)
Managing imbalance to prevent and cure disease: the approach of Āyurveda to life, health and longevity
Dr. P. Rammanohar - (26:3,2018,42)
Management of Bipolar Affective Disorder: An Integral Perspective
Pooja Varshney - (31:2,2023,9)
Management of mucus-related respiratory problems through sinus and airway cleaing exercises
Manikonda Prakash Rao - (18:3,2010,24)
Man and beyond Man
Dr. Alok Pandey - (32:1,2024,26)
Man-management (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:2,2001,5)
Man, the Thinking Animal
Sri Aurobindo - (25:2,2017,48)
Materialistic thought and holistic thought
Dr. Venketesh Palla - (16:3,2008,23)
The many faces of illness (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (15:3,2007,19)
Maricam or black pepper or piper nigrum (Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy- (16:2,2008,39)
Matter and spirit (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:2,2002,5)
A matter of habit
James Anderson - (22:4,2015,35)
Matter needs light,light needs matter (Think it over)
Dr. Karl Robinson - (9:4,2002,35)
Meaning: Meaning?
Sushmita Mukherjee - (32:3,2024,43)
The means to individuality
The Mother - (25:4,2018,4)
Measures in medicine (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (3:2,1996,5)
Medical education: a dream for the future (Perspective)
Dr. Michael Miovic - (6:1,1998,68)
Medical ethics in Indian ethos: prospectus and scope (Perspective)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (6:2,1999,13)
Medical graphology: scope & limitations
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi - (8:1,2000,16)
Medical graphology
R.Ramanan - (1:2,1994,54)
Medical humour
Sri Aurobindo and Dr. Nirodbaran - (5:1,1997,41)
Medical research on trial
Sharon Kingman - (2:2,1995,30)
Medical tourism (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,87)
Medicinal plants used by tribal groups of Assam for orodontal care
Dr. Bikash Jyothi Borthakur - (10:3,2002,48)
Medicine (Perspective)
Dr. Jagannath - (15:1,2007,31)
Medicine with (out) a soul
Dr. Wilfried Huchzermeyer - (1:1,1993,74)
Meditations on the current pandemic (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:2,2021,33)
Memories from beyond:‘unseen’ effects of trauma
Natalie Tobert - (27:3,2019,12)
Memories of Beyond (Perspective)
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (32:2,2024,32)
Memory transference in organ transplant recipients
Sandeep Joshi - (19:1,2011,40)
Menopause - a healthy stage
Dr. Shyama Kanugo- (16:1,2008,41)
Mental awareness in comatose patients and sleeping newborn infants
Sandeep Joshi (20:3,2012,16)
Mental formations and visualization (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,87)
Mental health and the state of social culture
Manoj Das - (1:1,1993,69)
The metaphysical foundation of Integral Health – the battle of the body
Dr. Soumitra Basu- (18:4,2011,7)
The metaphysical foundation of Integral Health (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:1,2011,8)
The metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the cosmic consciousness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:2,2011,7)
The metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the asset of materialism (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:3,2011,7)
The metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the 'Threefold Life’ (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:4,2012,7)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Yoga and health (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:1,2012,6)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — beyond the sense-experience (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:2,2012,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the inner poise (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:3,2012,9)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the three poises of reality (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:4,2013,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the fourfold nature of the Self (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (21:1,2013,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — issues in interconnectedness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (21:2,2013,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — reconciling spirit and matter (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (21:3,2013,7)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Spirit and Matter (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (21:4,2014,11)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — divine life (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (22:1,2014,7)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — reconciling different poises of Reality (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (22:2,2014,7)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Consciousness-Force: implications in psychology and healing (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (22:3,2014,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — relevance of the Individual (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (22:4,2015,9)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the Integral Manifestation (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (23:1,2015,10)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — illusionism and health (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (23:2,2015,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — liberation and freedom (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (23:3,2015,6)
The Metaphysical basis for Integral Health — The Alpha and the Omega (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu (23:4,2016,7)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health – will-power and the body(Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:1,2016,6)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — freedom and fulfilment (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:2,2016,6)
The Metaphysical basis For Integral Health – Individual Destiny (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (24:4,2017,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the nature of reality (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:1,2017,6)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health – Integral Manifestation (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (25:2,2017,8)
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health: Issues of life and death (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:3,2019,8)
Metaphysics and health – evolution of the concept of Integral Health (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (18:2,2010,7)
The meta-psychology of reason (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu — (27:4,2020,8)
Methi or fenugreek
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (11:3,2003,30)
Methods of enquiry and research (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (4:2,1997,5)
Microbes: their origin and the forces behind them
The Mother - (28:2,2020,5)
Mind and soul (Perspective)
Dr. D.B.Bisht - (9:3,2001,33)
Mind of a rock
Jim Holt - (16:1,2008,43)
Mind over matter? (Perspective)
Dr. Sujata Vaidya - (23:1,2015,53)
The Miracles of human reason
The Mother - (23:3,2015,4)
Mirchi or chilli
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (11:1,2003,22)
Misleading conclusions (Perspective)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:3,2005,47)
The missing piece (Think it over)
Shel Silverstein - (12:1,2004,24)
The (Missing) Human Touch
Dr. Alok Pandey - (32:3,2024,22)
A model teacher a neglected aspect of medical pedagogy (Perspective)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (13:1,2005,28)
Modern myths which haunt us (Think it over)
Dr. S.P. Popli - (11:2,2003,38)
Modern science and traditional medical practitioners
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (3:1,1995,74)
Modes of nature and the enemies of the soul
Alok Pandey Dr. - (28:2,2020,34)
Molecular basis of samshodhana effect in panchakarma therapy
Dr. R.H.Singh,Dr. S.Rastogi - (2:1,1994,35)
Monkey matters (Insight)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (17:4,2010,37)
The Mother and the importance of physical education in Integral Yoga
Lakshman Sehgal - (28:2,2020,12)
Moving matter
James Anderson - (20:3,2012,22)
Music: transpersonal experiences and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music
Marie Carlsson - (22:4,2015,11)
The Mother's Grace (Think it over)
Bhagabhati Sahoo, Jhunu Acharya - (22:1,2014,49)
Moving beyond fear
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (28:3,2020,8)
Multi-centre study of Kshaarasuubra in high anal fistula
Dr. M. Bhaskar Rao & Dr. S.V. Prasad - (8:4,2001,28)
On Multi-tasking, avadhāna-kalā and multiple saṁyama
Sandeep Joshi - (20:2,2012,32)
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain – I
Aradhana Deogharia - (29:1,2021,28)
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain — II
Aradhana Deogharia - (29:2,2021,37)
Musical Notes and Emotions
Dr. Riccardo Misto - (32:1,2024,36)
Music Therapy-induced speech and communication in older adults
Aradhana Deogharia - (28:3,2020,31)
My first patient (Reflections)
Dr. D.B.Bisht - (4:2,1997,60)
My healing journey through the consciousness approach
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (21:2,2013,43)
My journey with water
Betty Kraus - (17:2,2009,30)
My office,therapy and the aesthetic perspective
Dr. David Johnston - (9:3,2001,20)
The mystery of death
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:4,2003,17)
Mystical,spiritual and religious experiences
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (9:4,2002,11)
Mystics and psychotics (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey,Dr. Soumitra Basu - (3:2,1996,20)
Mysticism and schizophrenia
Hemant Kapoor - (14:4,2007,32)
The Myth of Self-Love
James Anderson - (32:3,2024,40)
Mythology in practice (Think it over)
Jeff Brinkley - (6:2,1999,80)
The mythology of modern medicine
Dr. Manu Kothari,Dr. Lopa A.Mehta - (3:1,1995,15)
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain – I
Aradhana Deogharia - (29:1,2021,28)
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain — II
Aradhana Deogharia - (29:2,2021,40)


Namaskar: Union (Reflections)
Sushmita Mukherjee - (31:4,2024,44)
Natural catastrophes
The Mother - (13:1,2005,4)
Natural healing — in theory and practice
Prashant Shivanand Shah - (25:3,2017,18)
Nature as a healer(Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (17:1,2009,6)
The nature of higher life
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (29:4,2022,20)
The nature of informaton revolution (Classical reprint)
Dr. M. L.Kothari,Dr. L.A.Mehta - (10:1,2002,13)
The Need of Quietude
Sri Aurobindo - (31:1,2023,4)
A need of the times (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:1,2003,5)
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Dr. Gopal Misra - (4:1,1996,77)
Neural destiny: does the brain have a will of its own?
Benjamin Libet - (1:1,1993,76)
Neural transplantation: death of the 'heart' to make the brain live (New age news)
Editor's - (1:2,1994,97)
Neutrally positive positively neutral
Sushmita Mukherjee - (27:3,2019,20)
The new dawn (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (7:2,2000,5)
New dimensions in healing
Barin Mehta - (17:3,2009,36)
A new drug for benign prostatic hyperplasia (News and views)
Editors - (4:1,1996,91)
New horizons: from the past to the future
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (4:2,1997,18)
The new humanity
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (14:4,2007,4)
A new paradigm of man (Future psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:4,2004,8)
A new possibility (Case study)
Dr. Debashis Bhattacharya, Dr. Debabrata Sahani (21:1,2013,46)
A new psychology
Dr. David Johnston - (10:2,2002,8)
New roads in modern medicine
Dr. Alok Pandey - (6:2,1999,44)
The non-judgmental attitude (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (21:2,2016,47)
Non-local studies: implications for health
Dr. Michael Miovic - (11:1,2003,7)
The normal controls: myth or reality!!
(New age news) - (2:1,1994,80)
Nullifying pain
The Mother - (19:4,2012,4)
Nutritional counselling and coping patterns in the management of stress in women professionals
Dr. Anjali Dewan - (15:3,2007,38)
Nutrition research: artificial methods and trace elements (New age news)
Editors - (1:2,1994,97)


The Object of Our Yoga
Sri Aurobindo - (30:3,2022,4)
Of carbon copies and the divine body (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (5:1,1997,5)
Of Death and Grief (Reflections)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (31:2,2023,50)
Offer and transcend your grief
James Anderson - (29:2,2021,24)
Omnipresence in healing
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (21:2,2013,31)
Open to the power of Śakti
Dr. Debabrata Sahani - (29:4,2022,13)
On alcohol addiction: the imaginal and the real
Dr. David Johnston - (8:2,2000,37)
On motiviation psychology (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:1,2001,45)
On wasting energy
The Mother - (20:1,2012,4)
The oldest old (News and views)
Editors - (3:1,1995,87)
Order — disorder (Think it over)
Dr. Y. V. Chawla - (12:4,2005,38)
Origin and Nature of Suffering
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (32:2,2024,47)
Out of the shadows
James Anderson - (23:1,2015,13)
Overcoming emotional problems through pranic healing
Prashant S. Shah - (24:4,2017,25)
An overview of Buerger’s disease (Thrombo angitis obliterans) in Āyurveda
Dr. Martha Bhaskar Rao, Dr. Hemanth Kumar Kushwaha - (20:2,2012,24)
An overview of certain Āyurvedic herbs in the management of viral hepatitis
Dr. M. Bhaskar Rao - (19:3,2011,14)


Pages from a doctor's mail
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:3,2000,37)
Pages from a doctor's mail
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:2,2001,32)
Pages from a doctor's mail
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:1,2005,42)
Pain and suffering
The Mother - (14:3,2006,4)
"Pain in the touch of our Mother"
The Mother - (29:1,2021,4)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (30:2,2022,8)
“Pain simply flows out” — insights on healing pain
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (25:1,2017,9)
Palaandu,onion (Allium cepa,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (13:3,2005,26)
Pañcakarma therapies — a detoxifying and rejuvenating technique
Dr. Gayatri Gandhe - (27:2,2019,27)
A panacea?
Dr. Alok Pandey - (15: 4,2008,10)
Papaya (Carica papaya,Linn.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (10:3,2002,23)
A parable (Think it over)
M.S. Srinivasan - (13:1,2005,48)
The paradox of addiction
Mira Prabhu - (27:2,2019,48)
The parting of the ways
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (27:4,2020,40)
Parts of the Being and Illness
Sri Aurobindo - (30:2,2022,4)
Parallel truths (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (8:2,2000,5)
Paranormal healing: an overview
Dr. F.W.J.J Snel & Dr. P.C.Vander Sijde - (1:2,1994,86)
Pāṣāṇabhedī or Indian borage(coleus aromaticus,Benth.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (15:2,2007,34)
The Path and the Goals (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (31:4,2024,7)
Patient at a crossroads (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (16:2,2008,8)
Patient at a crossroads continued (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (16:3,2008,6)
Patient at a crossroads continued (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (16:4,2009,12)
Patients and the art and science of healing
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (24:2,2016,14)
Peace in the cells — an experience in the body consciousness (Perspective)
Betty Kraus - (22:3,2014,32)
Pearls on garlic : the wonder bulb (Allium Sativum) ; Family Liliacea)
Y.Balasubramanian - (15:1,2007,38)
Peepul (Ficus religiosa,Linn.,)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (9:1,2001,30)
Perfection of the body
Sri Aurobindo - (15:2,2007,4)
Perfection — shifting nuances
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:4,2022,37)
Personal autonomy and instrumental accuracy (Classical reprint)
Dr. N.C. Surya - (10:2,2002,28)
Christina Albl - (1:1,1993,66)
Dr. Sriram Narayanan - (1:2,1994,65)
Doris Phillips - (2:1,1994,74)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:1,2003,41)
Pharmacotherapeutical appraisal of thorn apple (Datura stramonium)
Dr. Jai PrakashSingh,Dr. S.K.Tiwari - (16:3,2008,46)
Phobias in children — price for a civilised life?
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (29:3,2021,44)
Photobionics — an innovative application of the law of similars
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (21:3,2013,9)
Photobionics — experiments and results
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (21:4,2014,20)
Physical Education
The Mother - (29:2,2021,4)
‘Physical laws’
The Mother - (20:2,2012,4)
Physical marks appearing after injuries sustained in dreams
Sandeep Joshi (19:3,2011,22)
The Physical Mind (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (32:1,2024,6)
Physical suffering
The Mother - (16:2,2008,4)
The physical yoga
The Mother - (21:3,2013,4)
The Physician and the Soldier
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (30:4,2023,7)
Physician discover thyself (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (3:1,1995,5)
Physician Heal Thyself
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (25:1,2017,43)
A pilot study of lifestyle modifications as prescribed in Ayurveda for diabetes mellitus type-II
Dr. Goverdhanam Vani, Dr. J. S. R. A. Prasad - (21:4,2014,31)
Playing dead
Mira Prabhu - (20:2,2020,49)
Play therapy
Kishaloy Ghosh - (3:2,1996,73)
The Plural psyche and transformation of individual and society
Dr. David Johnston - (19:2,2011,20)
Poetic health (News and views)
Editors - (4:2,1997,99)
Poison damsel (Classical reprint)
Dr. K.N. Bagchi - (8:2,2000,11)
The post-Covid world (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (29:2,2021,9)
Post-vaccination syndrome (Classical reprint)
Dr. Tinus Smits - (11:4,2004,39)
The power of experience
The Mother - (23:2,2015,4)
The power of harmony in times of crisis
Divyanshi Chugh - (26:4,2019,34)
The power of inner space — a case study in Consciousness as Medicine
Dr. Yogesh Mohan - (23:1,2015,50)
The Power of Japa and Affirmations
Dr. Monica Gulati - (32:2,2024,37)
The power of money
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (23:4,2016,44)
The power of music
Ms. Marie Carlsson - (10:3,2002,12)
The power of prayer (Think it over)
Rahul Chinappa - (19:2,2011,54)
The power of worrying (Reflections)
Anonymous - (9:1,2001,47)
Practice of the Ayurvedic system of Medicine: a pilot study
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi,Dr.Hem Chandra and Dr. Rajiv Rastogi - (15:4,2008,19)
Prana: life-energy or vital energy (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (5:2,1998,5)
Pranic shakti (Think it over)
Sri Aurobindo - (8:2,2000,29)
Pratyahara as an adjunct in anti hypertensive therapy
Dr. P. Bharathi - (5:2,1998,29)
The precious present (Reflections)
Anonymous - (9:2,2001,23)
Premonitory Dreams (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:2,2023,45)
Prenatal audition (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,89)
The prevalence of hepatitis B in India and its prevention with Āyurveda – a revisit
Dr. Martha Bhaskar Rao - (19:4,2012,22)
Preventing illness
The Mother - (16:3,2008,4)
Privilege of Pain — The Role of Pain in the Spiritual Journey
Divyanshi Chugh - (32:1,2024,17)
Prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women through Āyurveda
Dr. Jasmine Gujarathi, Dr. Ritesh Gujarathi - (22:3,2014,15)
Principles of plant taxonomy
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra - (24:3,2016,9)
Primary dysmenhorroea is vitamin B1 a cure? (News and Views)
Editors - (4:2,1997,98)
Pre-natal consciousness and care
Nalini Shanmugam, ChitraArumugasami, NithyaPrabhurajh - (26:3,2018,17)
Preparing and opening the being to the Higher Force
Dr. Monica Gulati - (31:3,2023,39)
The principle of physical culture
The Mother - (22:2,2014,4)
Probable answer to the 'Question Hour'
Dr. Prakash V.Shinde - (1:2,1994,63)
Process-based psychotherapy
Christian A. Latino - (28:4,2021,30)
The process of integral psychology (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (13:4,2006,26)
Professional education: a prescription (Leaf from the past)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (3:1,1995,56)
Professional profile of psychic healers (News and views)
Camille Van Neer - (2:2,1995,77)
A programme for Integral health
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (10:1,2002,26)
Progressive perfection (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (21:1,2013,30)
Project Empathy
Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Prarthana Kalaskar, Sevastiana Korotynskaia - (30:4,2023,48
Project Susthiti — Healing our Covid Caregivers with Music Therapy and Yoga Therapy
Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Dr. Bhalendu Vaishnav, Sevastiana Korotynskaia, Karen Miscall-Bannon - (30:1,2022,23)
Protecting Innocence
Lopa Mukherjee - (27:1,2019,11)
A psychic healer
Camille Van Neer - (1:2,1994,74)
Psychiatrists and shamans : a comparison
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (9:1,2001,12)
Psychiatry: an Indian approach
Dr. Soumitra Basu & Dr. Ashish Kr. Basu - (1:2,1994,17)
Psychic Education and Spiritual Education
The Mother - (30:1,2022,4)
Psychological aspects of pain management — a consciousness approach (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu, Sharmila Basu - (24:3,2016,19)
Psychological growth and relaxation techniques (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (6:2,1999,68)
Psychological perfection
James Anderson - (18:4,2011,21)
Psychological perfection (cont.)
James Anderson - (19:1,2011,16)
"Pain in the touch of our Mother"
The Mother - (29:1,2021,4)
Psychology of intuition
Dr. A.S.Dalal - (2:1,1994,11)
Psychology with a soul (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey — (27:4,2020,12)
Psycho-physiological concept of health and nutrition: qualitative vibration of food (Research report)
Dr. N.Shakuntala Manay and Dr. R.Sreelakshmi - (13:1,2005,40)
The psycho-spiritual space for human settlement
Goutam Mitra - (6:1,1998,62)
Psychotherapy and Indian thought I
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:4,2006,13)
Psychotherapy and Indian thought II
Dr. Alok Pandey - (14:1,2006,30)
Psychotherapy and spirituality
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (6:2,1999,9)
Pudinaa or Mint
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (7:1,1999,38)
The purpose of stress
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (24:1,2016,43)
The purpose of terrestrial existence
The Mother - (22:3,2014,4)
Pursuit of Beauty (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (32:1,2024,46)
The Pursuit of Happiness
Lopa Mukherjee - (30:4,2023,38)
The pursuit of perfect health (Reflections)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (22:4,2015,42)
Puthupattu forest - the lore and the treasure (News and views)
Dr. N. Loganathan - (9:3,2001,54)


Qualitative vibration of thought energy on the environment
Dr. N. Shakuntala Maney,Dr. R. Sreelakshmi - (11:1,2003,42)
Question hour with Brij
Editors - (2:1,1994,72)
Question hour on surgical instruments in Ayurveda
Editors - (2:2,1995,65)
Question hour with Dr. D.B.Bisht
Editors - (3:1,1995,63)
Question hour with Dr. Lucas Dengel
Editors - (3:2,1996,59)
Question hour on SAIIIHR
Editors - (4:1,1996,71)
Question hour with Dr. Priyavrat Sharma
Editors - (4:2,1997,86)
Question hour with Prof. Kameshwar Wali
Editors - (6:1,1998,50)
Question Hour with Joseph Campbell
Editors - (9:1,2001,27)
Question Hour with Dr. M.S. Valiathan and Dr. V. Nandini
Question Hour with a Sungazer who doesn't need to eat
Editors - 13:2,2005,40)
Question Hour with Dr. V. Nandini and Dr. M.S. Valiathan
The question of immortality (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (18:3,2010,9)


Rational utilisation of diagnostic aids in clinical practice
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi - (16:4,2009,26)
A ray of hope (Case study)
Falguni Jani - (9:3,2001,42)
Rays of hope
Dr. Alok Pandey - (21:4,2014,14)
Rays of hope - 2
Dr. Alok Pandey - (22:1,2014,26)
Reaching one’s psychic being through prayer
Denis Capdeville - (29:1,2021,47)
The reaction to stress
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (2:2,1995,14)
Realms of the evolution of consciousness
Dr. Geeta Kumar - (28:4,2021,18)
Reason and Wisdom
The Mother - (32:3,2024,4)
Reasons for illness
The Mother - (13:3,2005,4)
Recurrent illnesses
The Mother - (15:1,2007,4)
Rediscovering Yoga (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (31:3,2023,8)
Reflections (Perspective)
Dr. Vandana - (2:2,1995,70)
Dr. Sachin Shouche - (3:2,1996,52)
Reflections of a physician mother (Reflections)
Dr. Sangeeta - (10:3,2002,45)
Reflections on the Upahaar cinema tragedy (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey,Dr. Soumitra Basu - (5:2,1998,67)
Reflections on Vital Education
Dr. Monika Nanda - (30:1,2022,50)
Reiki an overview
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (3:1,1995,53)
The relevance of non-local studies to health
Dr. Michael Miovic - (17:3,2009,14)
Relief of pain: the integral way (Insight)
The Mother - (4:1,1996,85)
Remember Me
Kelly Johnston - (25:1,2017,18)
A report from SAIIIHR
Editors - (5:2,1998,81)
Report from SAIIIHR
Editor - (6:1,1998,83)
Report from SAIIIHR
Editor - (6:2,1999,90)
Report from SAIIIHR
Editor - (7:1,1999,86)
Report from SAIIIHR
Editor - (7:2,2000,82)
A report on the seminar on 'Death,Dying andBeyond' at SAIIIHR
(News from SAIIIHR) - (10:4,2003,40)
Research in Āyurveda
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja - (20:2,2012,14)
The reversal of consciousness
The Mother - (27:2,2019,4)
Reversing anger through Integral Yoga
James Anderson - (26:3,2018,34)
A review of folate status in diet and DNA methylation with an explanation by nutrient-gene interaction
Subhasree Ray - (22:1,2014,32)
A review Of jāṅgama dravyas (animal products) in the commentary of Siddhabheṣajamaṇimālā
Dr. Asit K. Panja, Dr. Ruprekha Dutta, Dr. Mita Kotecha - (22:1,2014,16)
A review of kṣārasūtra management in high anal fistula
Dr. M. Bhaskar Rao - (19:2,2011,30)
A review of kutīpraveśikā rasāyana
Ashashri Shinde Dr. , Pankaj Gahunge Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr., Sudipt Kumar Rath Dr. - (21:2,2013,17)
Revisiting and rethinking approaches to health and healing
Dr. Kala Shreen- (16:1,2008,46)
The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing
Dr. Alok Pandey - (32:4,2025,16)
The riddle of life
James Anderson - (18:2,2010,11)
Rise of the Machines
Dr. Alok Pandey - (31:2,2023,34)
Rogaanutpaadaniiya (Prevention of diseases) (Leaf from the past)
Prof. S.R. Srikantha Murthy - (9:2,2001,26)
The role of communication in health care (Perspective)
C. Ravindranath - (8:3,2000,42)
The Role of Pain and Suffering in our Growth
Manoj Pavithran - (32:2,2024,10)
The Role of Will in Sadhana
Dr. A.S. Dalal - (32:2,2024,45
The roots of pain
James Anderson - (20:4, 2013, 31)


Sādhanā as a medical doctor (Letter)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:3,2004,45)
Sādhanā Through Human Love
Dr. Monica Gulati - (31:4,2024,40)
Sadvṛttāni — codes of good conduct
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra - (22:3,2014,43)
SAIIIHR: meeting notes
Editors - (3:1,1995,93)
On salt
Dr. Krishnamurthy - (19:1,2011,28)
Sana: the little zen master(Case study)
D.E.Mistry Dr. - (10:4,2003,36)
Sanskrit and speech language pathology
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra- (17:1,2009,11)
Scalp acupuncture
Dr. Jonathan Breslow - (2:1,1994,53)
Science and soul (Reflections)
Dr. S.P. Popli - (10:1,2002,35)
Science and spirituality (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:2,2005,47)
Science of mind in health and happiness
Dr. Ashok Panagariya - (11:2,2003,32)
The science of the future
Dr. Alok Pandey - (19:3,2011,10)
Scientific medicine shows signs of a paradigm shift
Dr. R.L. Bijlani - (11:1,2003,28)
Search and research (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (15:2,2007,15)
A search for a foundation for physiology (News and views)
Camille Van Neer - (2:2,1995,78)
The secret of nature
The Mother - (19:1,2011,4)
The secret towards which pain leads us (Insights)
Sri Aurobindo,The Mother - (2:2,1995,54)
The secret Will
James Anderson - (18:3,2010,12)
The Seeking of Happiness (Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:2,2023,7)
Selection criteria for medical students in Ayurveda (Leaf from the past)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (5:2,1998,37)
The self and nature (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:2,2003,5)
Self-esteem in children (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (19:3,2011,50)
Self management
Dr. Alok Pandey - (6:1,1998,57)
Self-forgetfulness and its beauty
Dr Monica Gulati - (31:1,2023,42)
A sense of wonder (Reprint)
Dr. John B. Mulliken - (12:4,2005,17)
In the shadows of death (Think it over)
A talk by Dr. Richard Teo - (20:4,2013,33)
Shamanism and contemporary depth therapy
Dr. David Johnston - (7:2,2000,34)
Shamanism and contemporary depth-therapy
Dr. David Johnston - (14:2,2006,49)
Shifting to the Dispensary
Sri Aurobindo and Dr. Nirodbaran - (24:4,2017,47)
The signpost to our destiny
James Anderson - (29:1,2021,33)
Shrinigavera (Zingiber officinale)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (4:2,1997,37)
Śigru or drumstick (Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn., M. oleifera, Lam.)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (20:4, 2013, 44)
The silence that goes beyond words (Think it over)
Dr. Elisabeth Kbler Ross - (10:1,2002,37)
Similarities between neurological and yogic models of human memory
Sandeep Joshi- (18:4,2011,40)
The silent mind (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (22:4,2015,46)
Slow Dance (Think it over)
Dr. Dennis Shields - (10:4,2003,25)
Social health and man-management (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:1,2001,5)
The social implications of questionable cancer therapies
Dr. Barrie R.Cassileth - (2:1,1994,42)
Social pathology: changing the mindset
Dr. Alok Pandey (21:1,2013,39)
Solid waste management and alternatives for pesticide use in the Pondicherry region
Dr. Lucas Dengel - (8:1,2000,9)
A solution to man's torment
The Mother - (18:4,2011,4)
Some ethno-medicinal plants (Reflections)
Dr. N. Loganathan - (11:2,2003,43)
Some of my memorable cases
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (4:2,1997,56)
Some processes and premises in Yoga (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (27:2,2019,12)
Some reminiscences of the use of homoeopathic remedies in surgery
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (2:2,1995,9)
Some thoughts on flower remedies
Dr. Michael Miovic - (7:1,1999,67)
Song-writing: an effective tool in Music therapy for expressing emotions during the pandemic of Covid-19
Aradhana Deogharia - (28:2,2020,44)
The soul and its journey
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (13:4,2006,4)
A soul's journey through illness (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:3,2001,13)
Search with Your Highest Intelligence
The Motoher - (32:1,2024,4)
A soul-centered psychology (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (13:2,2005,10)
The source of illness
The Mother - (19:3,2011,4)
The sources of energy
James Anderson - (22:2,2014,21)
A space-time model of health
Joan B.Burke - (1:2,1994,71)
Special features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients visiting an Ayurvedic hospital
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi - (17:2,2009,23)
Specifications for writing (Leaf from the past)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (3:2,1996,49)
A spiritual conspiracy (Think it over)
Author unknown - (19:3,2011,56)
Spiritual,religious and personal beliefs (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:3,2003,38)
The spiritual dimension of health
Dr. Alok Pandey - (1:1,1993,15)
The spiritual dimension of health (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (6:2,1999,5)
Spiritual dimension of health with special reference to traditional healing practices (Perspective)
Dr. D.B.Bisht - (15:2,2007,47)
Dr. V. M. Mounnissamy - (9:4,2002,44)
Spontaneity of soul: an autobiographical glimpse (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (14:4,2007,16)
The spontaneous action of the body
The Mother - (27:1,2019,4)
Sri Aurobindo and the future psychology
Dr. A.S.Dalal - (5:2,1998,43)
Sri Aurobindo on homeopathy
- (18:2,2010,24)
Sri Aurobindo international institute for integral health and research
Editors - (1:1,1993,81)
Sri Aurobindo international institute for integral health and research
Editors - (2:2,1995,84)
Sri Aurobindo on human development: an integral transpersonal perspective (Future psychology)
Dr. A.S. Dalal - (6:2,1999,29)
Sri Aurobindo’s Comments on Western Psychology
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:4,2024,18)
Sri Aurobindo’s Prevision of a Greater Psychology
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:3,2023,27)
Śṛṇgavera (zingiber officinale)
Dr. K.H. Krishnamurthy - (4:2,1997,37)
Stop believing in your own weakness (Perspective)
Vernon Howard - (19:3,2011,54)
A strange way to die (Perspective)
Author Unknown - (9:1,2001,25)
Stepping Back
The Mother - (26:3,2018,4)
Stress: killer or healer?
Dr. Alok Pandey - (10:3,2002,31)
Stress management: a different approach
Dr. Alok Pandey - (5:2,1998,24)
The stress of growth
James Anderson - (21:2,2013,10)
Striiroga chikitsaa ((Leaf from the past)
Chakrapanidatta transl. by Dr. P.V. Sharma - (7:2,2000,53)
Subconscious help for a problem child (Question hour)
Vidula Javalgelkar - (1:1,1993,64)
- (17:2,2009,39)
The subliminal: a new dimension of personality
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (5:2,1998,60)
Suffering – the postman
Monica Gulati - (29:1,2021,39)
The suffocated soul (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (14:1,2006,7)
Substance of our Body Heals
Arul Dev - (30:2,2022,13)
Supari or Betel nut (Areca catechu,Linn.,)
Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy - (10:1,2002,19)
The supreme rest
The Mother - (27:3,2019,4)
Surrender Each Moment
Arul Dev - (31:3,2023,46)
Sushruta samhitaa Su.3-15 (Leaf from the past)
Transl. Sampadananda Mishra - (6:2,1999,75)
Sushruta samhitaa (Leaf from the past)
Transl. Dr. Dinkar Govind Thatte - (7:1,1999,29)
Swadharma, a learning journey towards wholeness
Manoj Pavithran - (26:4,2019,16)
The symbolic and the subjective
Lopa Mukherjee - (29:3,2021,3)
Systems and beyond systems (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (14:3,2006,7)


Take the Integral Approach
James Anderson - (30:1,2022,34)
Taking charge
James Anderson - (25:3,2017,25)
Tales of transformation (Perspective)
Yasemin Bolkan - (9:4,2002,49)
Tapasya and Surrender: The Paradoxical Process of Self-Transformation
Manoj Pavithran - (32:4,2025,10)
Tapasya of Love — from human love to divine Love
Dr. Monica Gulati - (29:4,2022,42)
Teaching the human touch: learning the art of medicine (New age news)
Editors - (1:2,1994,98)
Terminal cases
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (8:4,2001,38)
The terminally ill (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (11:3,2003,20)
The therapeutic barter (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (27:2,2019,37)
Think it over
(as quoted in a speech delivered by Nelson Mandela) - (8:4,2001,37)
The Third Method of Research in Psychology (Perspective)
Manoj Pavithran - (30:3,2022,38)
Those boring old clichés
Mira Prabhu - (27:4,2020,46)
Thoughts, Feelings, Perceptions — Wave or Particle?
Dr. Monica Gulati - (30:1,2022,39)
Three days to see
Helen Keller - (15:4,2008,61)
Time and choice (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (21:3,2013,42)
Time and health
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (4:2,1997,28)
To Touch Matter
Arul Dev - (31:1,2023,18)
Touch (Reflections)
Christina Albl - (7:2,2000,46)
Towards a Spiritualised Society
Dr. Alok Pandey - (30:1,2022,14)
Towards man's real personality (The future psychology)
Jyoti Sobel and Norman C.Dowsett - (5:1,1997,44)
Traditional medicine in China (News and views)
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi - (8:4,2001,49)
The traditional Parsi-Zoroastrian hadvaid – a historical perspective
Dr. Kayomarz Patel - (21:2,2013,34)
Traditional source of medicine (Female anti-fertility)
Dr. V.M. Mounnissamy & Dr. S. Kavimani - (8:3,2000,10)
The tragedies of time (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:1,2005,7)
The transcendent function of dreams
Lopa Mukherjee - (28:2,2020,21)
Transcending nature
James Anderson - (16:3,2008,35)
Transforming the Spirit of Competition
James Anderson - (32:4,2025,24)
Transference, counter-transference and Jungian depth-therapy
Dr. David Johnston - (12:3,2004,9)
Sri Aurobindo - (31:1,2023,50)
Transforming the Asuras within us
Monica Gulati - (28:3,2020,27)
Transforming desire to divine aspiration, an energy transformation (Reflections)
Sushmita Mukherjee - (27:1,2019,34)
Transforming Torture (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (14:2,2006,12)
Transmuting the emotions
James Anderson - (25:2,2017,33)
Traversing attachment
James Anderson - (24:1,2016,9)
Treatment of Craniopharyngioma in a 'little Zen master' (Case study)
Dr. D.E.Mistry - (11:4,2004,33)
Treatment of Elephantiasis in Sushruta samhitaa (Leaf from the past)
Sampadananda Mishra (Translated and edited) - (14:1,2006,22)
Treatment of Elephantiasis in Sushruta samhitaa II (Leaf from the past)
Sampadananda Mishra (Translated and edited) - (14:2,2006,22)
True Charity
Nolini Kanta Gupta - (10:2,2002,51)
The true Delight of being
The Mother - (24:4,2017,4)
The Truly Anonymous (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (31:1,2023,38)
Truth and entertainment during these Covid times
Dan (Denis) Capdeville - (29:2,2021,28)
Truth and its formulations (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:3,2005,11)
Truth and Love
James Anderson - (27:3,2019,45)
Truth in healing
James Anderson - (21:4,2014,27)
The Truth in Matter
The Mother - (20:4,2013,4)
Dr. Gouri Rani Ghosh - (3:1,1995,23)
Tulsi, holy basil: a gentle energy tonic
Dr. Ed Bauman, Shiela Moorthy - (26:4,2019,27)
Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory tonic
Dr. Ed Bauman, Shiela Moorthy - (26:1,2018,17)
Two case studies in integral health
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (1:1,1993,59)
21 days to re-shape our mind, individually and collectively: let’s take this chance!
Denis Capdeville - (28:2,2020,40)
The Two paths
Dr. Alok Pandey - (29:4,2022,27)
The two spirits (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (13:2,2005,8)
The two ends of existence
The Mother - (18:3,2010,4)


Unconventional wisdom in medicine
Dr. B.M. Hegde - (16:2,2008,20)
Understanding children through Graphology
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi - (8:2,2000,30)
Understanding children through Graphology(II)
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi - (8:4,2001,15)
Understanding the disease beyond pathological analysis (Perspective)
Dr. Y.V. Chawla - (7:2,2000,30)
Understanding with the body
The Mother - (23:4,2016,4)
Underwater meditation (New age news)
Wilfried - (1:1,1993,88)
The unfinished chapter of psychology
Dr. Alok Pandey - (30:4,2023,10)
A unified system (Editorial)
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (12:2,2004,5)
The unborn spirit and the Self of eternal light (Notes on counselling)
Soumitra Basu Dr. - (22:1,2014,37)
The unfinished story
Dr. Alok Pandey - (19:1,2011,12)
The uninvited guest (Alchemy of the soul)
Dr. Arya Maloney - (14:3,2006,19)
The unreality of illness
The Mother - (16:4,2009,4)
Upgrading Social Health Through Ayurveda
Dr RiteshGujarathi, Dr Jasmine Gujarathi - (24:4,2017,37)
Use of flower remedies: a personal experience
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (4:1,1996,87)


Vaccinations: need for a re-appraisal (News and views)
Editors - (4:1,1996,90)
Vaccinations (Think it over)
Dr. Jagannath Chatterjee - (17:4,2010,44)
The value of introspection (Notes on counselling)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (20:3,2012,44)
Vatavrikshaa or Banyan tree
Dr. K. H. Krishnamurthy - (6:2,1999,53)
Veda of the body: a preface
Dr. Alok Pandey - (18:4,2011,11)
Vibrations and healing
Bernhild Whitworth - (17:3,2009,28)
Viewing and treating others as the Divine
Dr. Larry Seidlitz - (29:1,2021,9)
Vir-us to rewire us
Poorva Sharma - (28:2,2020,29)
A view of love (Reflections)
Dr. Rajiv Rattan - (22:3,2014,45)
Violence and society
Dr. Ajita Chakraborty - (4:2,1997,10)
Vital Education
The Mother - (29:3,2021,4)
The Vital Plane of Consciousness — Insights from Integral Yoga (Editorial)
Soumitra Basu Dr. - (32:3,2024,7)


Walk Away from Self-Pity
James Anderson - (32:2,2024,27)
A walk in the park (Think it over)
Anonymous - (19:1,2011,48)
War and Peace
Dr. Alok Pandey - (30:2,2022,32)
(Compiled by) Dr. Vandana Gupta - (16:1,2008,26)
A way forward
James Anderson - (17:4,2010,13)
The way to health and happiness (Think it over)
Dr. Ram Manohar - (26:1,2018,46)
We, the miracle (Insight)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia - (22:1,2014,46)
What are we losing by ignoring Ayurveda?
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi,Dr. Rajeev Rastogi,Dr. R.H. Singh - (14:1,2006,26)
What is death?
Dr. R. L. Bijlani - (13:4,2006,48)
What is death?
The Mother - (21:4,2014,4)
The wheel of lower life
Dr. Venkatesh Palla - (28:3,2020,11)
When Depression is a “Psychological Necessity”
James Anderson - (30:2,2022,28)
Why Would I Keep the Temple Clean?
Dr. Monica Gulati - (30:4,2023,24)
Wider Collateral of War: Spiritist Effects on Human Well-being (Think it over)
Dr. Natalie Tobert - (30:3,2022,31)
What is real? An exploration into the deeper workings of Real and Reality
Dorathea Thompson - (28:1,2020,11)
What Resonates with You?
James Anderson - (31:3,2023,34)
What the Soul Sees, It Knows
The Mother - (32:4,2025,4)
When human knowledge ends (Case studies)
Dr. Jitendra Belani - (26:4,2019,47)
WHO urged to act on worrying smallpox research trends (News and views)
Lim Li Chung - (15:1,2007,53)
Why do human beings hurt each other? (Letter)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (12:4,2005,49)
Why do we want a new approach to medicine and health?(Editorial)
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (15:4,2008,7)
Winning rhythms (News and views)
Editors - (3:1,1995,87)
The wonder that is the body (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (9:1,2001,23)
To work or not to work
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (28:3,2020,42)
Working through the vital
Pulkit Sharma - (25:4,2018,27)
Working through Toxicity
James Anderson (30;4,2023,34)
The work of alignment
James Anderson - (23:4,2016,28)
Working with Her Force (Perspective)
James Anderson - (12:4,2005,11)
The worship of the Supreme in matter (Insight)
The Mother - (6:2,1999,74)


Yagya vs. Non-Yagya : a case study on the indoor microbial environment
Dr. Mamta Saxena,Dr. R. Sen Gupta and Dr. Pranav Pandya - (15:1,2007,16)
The yearning for freedom
James Anderson - (25:4,2018,32)
Yoga and health: a systematic literature review
Dr. Pamela Siegel,Dr. Nelson Barros F. - (14:4,2007,40)
Yoga and mental health
Dr. R.M.Verma - (1:1,1993,54)
Yoga and worldly life (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (28:3,2020,17)
Yoga and psychology
Dr. Alok Pandey - (26:3,2018,9)
Yoga as practical psychology (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (27:1,2019,30)
Yoga Lessons from Nature
Lopa Mukherjee - (32:2,2024,16)
You can run but you can’t hide (Perspective)
Mira Prabhu - (27:1,2019,48)
The Yoga of Love
James Anderson - (26:2,2018,44)
Yoga and conceptions of God (Yogic insights into human psychology)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (27:3,2019,38)
Yoga and our destiny
James Anderson - (27:2,2019,41)
Yoga therapy: theoretical and paradigmatic considerations (Editorial)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (6:1,1998,5)
Yogic approach and scientific methods: a comparison (Think it over)
Dr. Alok Pandey - (2:1,1994,60)
Your atmosphere is contagious
James anderson - (28:4,2021,34)
Yavaanika or Ajavaayan
Dr. K. H. Krishnamurthy - (6:1,1998,41)

Book Reviews

All the reviews are from Dr. D.E.Mistry except PuIpDyurvedaU, Yoga and cardiac health, Ayurveda-darshanam and Sri Nathamuni’s yogarahasya and The D word A Torch in the Dark, New Earth by Dr. Alok Pandey, HodaQDOghrdayam from Dr. K.H.Krishnamurthy and Conquering the brain towards the essence of the multiversity and the Akhanda paradigm by Dr. D.B. Bisht, Hindu Bioethics for the twenty-first Century Spiritual psychiatries and The Body speaks... Our Divine Destiny by Dr. Soumitra Basu, Mother and Me, Stoma Care, Integral Healing and Death, Dying and Beyond by Dr. Vandana Gupta, The China Study by Dr. Arun Chaturvedi, Consciousness-Based Psychology by Dr. Falguni Jani.

A healer's journey
Sree Chakravarti - (10:3,2002,55)
A homoeopathic love story
Rima Handley - (3:2,1996,87)
A new model for health and disease
George Vithoulkas - (2:1,1994,82)
A new science of life
Rupert Sheldrake - (2:1,1994,85)
A select homoeopathic materia medica,Part I
Dr. P.I.Tarkas,Dr. Ajit K.Kulkarni - (2:2,1995,82)
AIDS: passageway to transformation
Dr. C.Norman Sheely and Caroline M.Myss - (3:2,1996,88)
AIDS: the homoeopathic challenge
Jonathan Stallick - (6:1,1998,77)
Angels and Aliens
Keith Thompson - (10:1,2002,39)
Anthroposophical medicine
Dr. Michael Evans and Ian Rodger - (4:2,1997,101)
At peace in the light
Danion Brinkley with Paul Perry - (4:2,1997,103)
Ayurveda darshanam
Prof. Priyavrat Sharma - (3:2,1996,86)
Cancer and cancer symptoms
Robert T. Cooper - (10:1,2002,41)
Consciousness-Based Psychology
Dr. Soumitra Basu & Michael Miovic - (31:1,2023,47)
Conquering the brain towards the essence of the multiversity and the Akhanda paradigm
Dr. A.K. Mukhopadhya - (10:1,2002,39)
Creations heart beat following the reindeer spirit
Linda Schierse Leonard - (5:1,1997,102)
Death,Dying and Beyond
Dr. Alok Pandey - (14:1,2006,50)
Evolution of homoeopathic repertories and repertorisation
Dr. Jugal Kishore - (9:3,2001,49)
Gingko-nature's brain booster
Alan H. Pressman with Helen Tracy - (8:3,2000,47)
Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe
Jane and Grant Solomon - (9:2,2001,51)
Heal your body
Louise L.Hay - (3:2,1996,91)
Healing through Knowledge
Dr Vandana - (18:2,2010,46)
Health and healing in yoga
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust,India - (1:1,1993,91)
Here to heal
Reshad Field - (6:2,1999,83)
Hindu Bioethics for the twenty-first Century
Dr. S. Cromwell Crawford - (12:3,2004,47)
Homoeopathy: the scientific medicine
E. Balakrishna - (9:1,2001,50)
Homoeopathic teachings from a master
Edward Cotter,copyright Phillis Speight - (9:4,2002,52)
Human energy systems
Jack Schwartz - (1:2,1994,101)
Human Mind and Homoeopathy
Dr. V.K. Arumugham - (12:1,2004,46)
Integral Healing
Eds.: Susan & Richard Hartz - (13:3,2005,49)
Integral health
Dr. Soumitra Basu - (8:3,2000,48)
Inventing the future
Marilee Zdenek - (1:2,1994,101)
Lessons from the light
Sandia Rogers - (4:1,1996,100)
Living on Light
Jasmuheen - (7:1,1999,77)
Living within
Dr. A.S.Dalal (compil.) - (1:1,1993,92)
Low Attenuation Trituration Tablets: their efficacy and possible side-effects
Dr. P.N. Varma - (8:2,2000,52)
Many lives many masters
Dr. Brian Weiss M.D. - (5:2,1998,77)
Medicines - a guide for everybody
Peter Paresh - (4:2,1997,103)
Melatonin Nature's sleeping pill
Dr. Ray Sahelian - (8:2,2000,51)
Mother and Me
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (12:2,2004,50)
Myths and reality about AIDS
Dr. Mirza Anwar Baig - (10:3,2002,54)
New Earth
Avigal Lemberget - (29:1,2021,50)
One with the light
Brad Steiger - (5:1,1997,101)
Only love is real
Dr. Brian Weiss - (6:1,1998,77)
Organon of the medical art
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann Transl. Steven Decker - (6:2,1999,84)
Our Divine Destiny
Compiled by Dr. A.S. Dalal - (31:3,2023,56)
Patterns of life force
Julian Barnard - (9:2,2001,52)
Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Rheumatology
Dr. Sanjeev Rastogi - (18:2,2010,48)
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child care
Prof. C. Nayak - (15:4,2008,39)
Proud Spirit
Rosemary Altea - (9:1,2001,48)
Psychic Education: a workbook
Neeltje Huppes - (9:3,2001,48)
Psychic Surgeon Stephen Turoff
Grant Solomon - (9:1,2001,52)
Dr. P. V. Sharma - (6:1,1998,73)
Quadric potencies
Dr.B. Kadiri Koya - (11:1,2003,53)
Radical healing
Rudolph M. Ballentine - (8:3 ,2000,46)
50 Reasons for being a homoeopath
Donald Hotton - (8:4,2001,52)
Relationship of homoeopathic remedies: a new compendium
Dr. H. Chitkara - (10:1,2002,42)
Saved by the light
Danion Brinkley with P.Perry. - (3:1,1995,90)
Self healing - my life and vision
Meir Schneider - (3:1,1995,91)
Shodasaanghridayam : essentials of Ayurveda
Dr. P.V.Sharma - (2:2,1995,81)
Spiritual psychiatries
Natalie Tobert - (22:3,2014,47)
Sri Nathamuni's Yogarahasya
Yogacharya T. Krishnamacharya - (7:1,1999,79)
Stoma Care
Dr. D.B. Bisht - (12:2,2004,51)
The amazing power of homoeopathy
Dr. S.M. Gunavante and Dr. Shardha Bhat - (9:4,2002,51)
The Body Speaks... Healing through Knowledge
Dr. Vandana Gupta - (25:1,2017,46)
The China Study
T.Colin Campbell,Ph.D. and Thomas M.Campbell II - (14:4,2007,51)
The collected writings of Edward Bach
Ed. Julian Barnard - (8:1,2000,48)
The cosmic blueprint
Paul Davies - (2:1,1994,84)
The creation of health
Dr. C. Norman Shealy & Caroline Myss - (7:2,2000,74)
The D Word: A Survivor’s Guide to Depression
Shubhrata Prakash - (25:1,2017,47)
The hand that heals (Book Preview)
Michael Trembath - (10:4,2003,56)
The healing path: a soul approach to illness
Marc Ian Barasch - (2:2,1995,80)
The healing power of illness
Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rudiger Dahlke,translated by Peter Lemesurier - (1:1,1993,91)
The law of similars
Dr. Ajit K. Kulkarni - (11:3,2003,42)
The potency dilemma tailoring the remedy to the patient
Dr. Ajit K. Kulkarni - (11:3,2003,42)
The ultimate experience of Fire and Ice
Dr. Louis Leonard - (18:3,2010,44)
VEDA of the BODY
Dr. Alok Pandey - (23:1,2015,54)
The way of the wizard
Deepak Chopra - (5:2,1998,78)
The yoga of healing
T.K.V. Desikachar and Dr. Arjun Rajagopalan - (8:1,2000,47)
A Torch in the Dark
James Anderson (28:4,2021,47)
Transformed by the light
Dr. Melvin Morse and Paul Perry - (4:1,1996,101)
Wellness: just a state of mind?
Eldon Taylor - (7:2,2000,75)
Wisdom of the Ages
Jim Stovall - (18:4,2011,52)
Within the light
Cherie Sutherland - (4:1,1996,100)
Yoga and cardiac health promotion
Dr. Latha - (7:1,1999,80)
Zen speaks: shouts of nothingness
Tsai Chih Chung,translated by Brian Bruya - (5:2,1998,78)

NAMAH - Index (by author)


Aditi Kaul Dr.
Is Technology a Catalyst in Human Evolution? - (32:4,2025,30)
Ajai R. Singh Dr.,Shakuntala A.Singh Dr.
Hedonistic issues in drug dependency - (2:2,1995,57)
A.Jalil Dr.
Ayurveda and acupuncture - (2:2,1995,18)
Ajita Chakraborty Dr.
Violence and society - (4:2,1997,10)
A.K. Basu Dr.,Soumitra Basu Dr.
The genesis of psychiatry in India - (9:4,2002,28)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The spiritual dimension of health - (1:1,1993,15)
Alok Pandey Dr.
An integral view of health - (1:2,1994,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Case study in integral health - (1:2,1994,68)
Alok Pandey Dr.
An integral model of health (II) - (2:1,1994,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The yogic approach and scientific methods: a comparison - (2:1,1994,60)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The lessons of an epidemic (Editorial) - (2:2,1995,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Health as a dynamically evolving equilibrium - (2:2,1995,47)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Physician discover thyself (Editorial) - (3:1,1995,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Insight - (3:1,1995,43)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Measures in medicine (Editorial) - (3:2,1996,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.,Soumitra Basu Dr.
Mystics and psychotics (Think it over) - (3:2,1996,20)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Disease,chaos and freedom - (3:2,1996,22)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Doctor-shopping (Editorial) - (4:1,1996,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Case study - (4:1,1996,75)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Methods of enquiry and research (Editorial) - (4:2,1997,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Of carbon copies and the divine body (Editorial) - (5:1,1997,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Case study - (5:1,1997,84)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Stress management: a different approach - (5:2,1998,24)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Life,disease and death (Insight) - (5:2,1998,65)
Alok Pandey Dr.,Soumitra Basu Dr.
Reflections on the Upahaar cinema tragedy (Think it over) - (5:2,1998,67)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Yoga therapy: theoretical and paradigmatic considerations - (6:1,1998,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Ethical values in Ayurveda (Leaf from the past) - (6:1,1998,46)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Self management - (6:1,1998,57)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The spiritual dimension of health (Editorial) - (6:2,1999,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
New roads in modern medicine - (6:2,1999,44)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The growth of a physician (Editorial) - (7:1,1999,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Facing Stress - (7:1,1999,58)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Human management: the key to social health - (7:2,2000,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The human quest (Editorial) - (8:1,2000,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Parallel truths (Editorial) - (8:2,2000,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Health: mental vs. spiritual perspectives (Editorial) - (8:3,2000,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Pages from a doctor's mail - (8:3,2000,37)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Death and Immortality (Editorial) - (8:4,2001,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Behind the iron curtain: Encounters with death - (8:4,2001,22)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Social health and man-management (Editorial) - (9:1,2001,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The wonder that is the body (Think it over) - (9:1,2001,23)
Alok Pandey Dr.
On motiviation psychology (Notes on counselling) - (9:1,2001,45)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Man-management (Editorial) - (9:2,2001,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Pages from a doctor's mail - (9:2,2001,32)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A soul's journey through illness (Notes on counselling) - (9:3,2001,13)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The enigma of the human cell (Editorial) - (9:4,2002,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Is this the end?(Editorial) - (10:1,2002,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Integral health - (10:1,2002,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Matter and Spirit (Editorial) - (10:2,2002,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Health: the spiritual dimension (Editorial) - (10:3,2002,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Stress: killer or healer? - (10:3,2002,31)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The mystery of death - (10:4,2003,17)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A need of the times (Editorial) - (11:1,2003,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Perspective - (11:1,2003,41)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Self and Nature (Editorial) - (11:2,2003,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Growth of consciousness - (11:2,2003,53)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A true physician (Editorial) - (11:3,2003,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Spiritual,religious and personal beliefs (Think it over) - (11:3,2003,38)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The terminally ill (Notes on counselling) - (11:3,2003,20)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A new paradigm of man (Future psychology) - (11:4,2004,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Man and society : human relationships (Editorial) - (12:1,2004,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Health management - (12:1,2004,37)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Illness : an Integral view - (12:2,2004,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Can genes make ME? (Think it over) - (12:2,2004,49)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The evolutionary transformation of the body (Editorial) - (12:3,2004,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The healer within - (12:3,2004,39)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Sadhana as a medical doctor (Letter) - (12:3,2004,45)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The human body : machinistic and consciousness view (Editorial) - (12:4,2005,5)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Why do human beings hurt each other? (Letter) - (12:4,2005,49)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The tragedies of time (Editorial) - (13:1,2005,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Pages from a doctor's mail - (13:1,2005,42)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The two spirits (Editorial) - (13:2,2005,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Science and spirituality (Think it over) - (13:2,2005,47)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Truth and its formulations (Editorial) - (13:3,2005,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Misleading conclusions (Perspective) - (13:3,2005,47)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Psychotherapy and Indian thought I - (13:4,2006,13)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Psychotherapy and Indian thought II - (14:1,2006,30)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Can a neuroscientist opine about God? (Editorial) - (14:2,2006,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Systems and beyond systems (Editorial) - (14:3,2006,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.,Govardhan Dave
Letter - (14:3,2006,47)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Magic and miracles (Editorial) - (14:4,2007,9)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Healing communication (Editorial) - (15:1,2007,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Search and Research (Editorial) - (15:2,2007,15)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A letter in response to a letter from a devotee who has just started a clinic in Keonjhar,Orissa,India - (15:3,2007,41)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The many faces of illness (Editorial) - (15:3,2007,19)
Alok Pandey Dr.
A panacea? - (15:4,2008,10))
Alok Pandey Dr.
Generation next (Editorial) - (16:1,2008,12))
Alok Pandey Dr.
Patient at a crossroads (Editorial) - (16:2,2008,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Patient at a crossroads continued (Editorial)- (16:3,2008,6)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Patient at a crossroads continued (Editorial)- (16:4,2009,12)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Nature as a healer(Editorial)- (17:1,2009,6)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The force of life (Editorial) - (17:2,2009,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Illness: an evolutionary perspective (Editorial) - (17:3,2009,9)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The evolutionary transformation of the body - (17:4,2010,9)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Monkey matters (Insight) - (17:4,2010,37)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The evolutionary journey of medical science (Editorial) - (18:1,2010,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Veda of the body: a preface - (18:4,2011,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The unfinished story - (19:1,2011,12)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The science of the future - (19:3,2011,10)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Beyond paradigms - (19:4,2012,27)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Beyond paradigms II - (20:1,2012,23)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Beyond paradigms III - (20:2,2012,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Beyond paradigms IV - (20:3,2012,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The law of change - (20:4,2013,27)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The law of change — II - (21:1,2013,23)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Social pathology: changing the mindset (Think it over) (21:1,2013,39)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The law of change — III - (21:2,2013,25)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Hope — a journey towards Light - (21:3,2013,34)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Rays of hope - (21:4,2014,14)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Rays of hope - 2 - (22:1,2014,26)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Help to heal (Reflections) - (22:2,2014,35)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next - (22:3,2014,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next II - (22:4,2015,19)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next III - (23:1,2015,31)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next IV - (23:2,2015,23)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next V - (23:3,2015,28)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next VI - (23:4,2016,34)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next VII - (24:1,2016,31)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next VIII - (24:2,2016,41)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next IX - (24:3,2016,34)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next X - (24:4,2017,30)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XI - (25:1,2017,40)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XII - (25:2,2017,42)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XIII — a perilous bridge - (25:3,2017,30)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XIV : an unprecedented time - (25:4,2018,37)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XV - (26:1,2018,33)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Evolution Next XVI — the Age of Truth - (26:2,2018,24)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Yoga and psychology - (26:3,2018,9)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Encountering Reality (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (26:4,2019,11)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Yoga as practical psychology (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (27:1,2019,30)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Some processes and premises in Yoga (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (27:2,2019,12)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Yoga and conceptions of God (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (27:3,2019,38)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Psychology with a soul (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (27:4,2020,12)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Another dimension to the current pandemic (Editorial) - (28:1,2020,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The essence of yoga (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (28:1,2020,32)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Modes of nature and the enemies of the soul - (28:2,2020,34)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Yoga and worldly life (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (28:3,2020,17)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Beyond humanity (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (28:4,2021,10)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Human Relationships and Yoga – I (Yogic insights into human psychology) - (29:1,2021,19)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The post-Covid world - (29:2,2021,9)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Consciousness and Healing - (29:3,2021,23)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Two paths - (29:4,2022,27)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Towards a Spiritualised Society - (30:1,2022,14)
Alok Pandey Dr.
War and Peace - (30:2,2022,32)
Alok Pandey Dr.
In the Face of Error and Evil - (30:3,2022,10)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The unfinished chapter of psychology - (30:4,2022,10)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Evolutionary Leap - (31:1,2023,26)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Rise of the Machines - (31:2,2023,34)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Rediscovering Yoga (Editorial) - (31:3,2023,8)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Path and the Goals (Editorial) - (31:4,2024,7)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Man and beyond Man - (32:1,2024,26)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Ascent of Man — Unity and Diversity - (32:2,2024,22)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The (Missing) Human Touch - (32:3,2024,22)
Alok Pandey Dr.
The Rhythm of Life or the Art of Ageing - (32:4,2025,16)
Ambika Talwar
Creative resonance and energy medicine for wholeness - (21:4,2014,45)
Anand Kumar Dr.
A Call for Collaboration (Perspective) - (30:1,20 22,54)
Angelika Kolb
‘All is a single plan’ (23:3,2015,15)
Anil Kumar Sagi Dr.
A comparitive evaluation of the antioxidant potential of organic rice and a commercial variety - (21:3,2013,18)
Anil Kumar Sagi Dr., Venkatesh Palla Dr.
Growing leafy vegetables with Photobionics - (22:2,2014,28)
Anjali Dewan Dr.
Nutritional counselling and coping patterns in the management of stress in women professionals (15:3,2007,38)
Annika Maxwell
Empowerment of the Heart, by the Heart and through the Heart (27:1,2019,20)
History of medicine - (8:3,2000,29)
A strange way to die (Perspective) - (9:1,2001,25)
The power of worrying (Reflections) - (9:1,2001,47)
The precious present (Reflections) - (9:2,2001,23)
Inner peace (Perspective) - (12:1,2004,45)
Administratium (Perspective) - (13:4,2006,47)
A walk in the park (Think it over) (19:1,2011,43)
Aradhana Deogharia
Music Therapy-induced speech and communication in older adults - (28:3,2020,31)
Aradhana Deogharia
Soung-writing: an effective tool in Music therapy for expressing emotions during the pandemic of Covid-19 - (28:2,2020,44)
Aradhana Deogharia
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain - I - (29:1,2021,28)
Aradhana Deogharia
Multi-sensory approaches of music in the brain — II - (29:2,2021,40)
Aradhana Deogharia
Effects of Musical Cueing in gait kinematics - (30:4,2023,29)
Arati Sharma Dr.
Exploration into pranic healing - (3:2,1996,16)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
A case of Hepatitis C (Case study) - (17:4,2010,31)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
A case of post-herpetic neuralgia with keloids - (18:4,2011,32)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
Follow-up to ‘A case of hepatitis C’ Case study) - (20:1,2012,50)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
A journey with homoeopathy (Case study) - (22:3,2014,39)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
A case study — regression of uterine fibroids - (24:1,2016,40)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
Adequate hydration — a key to health - (24:3,2016,30)
Arati Sharma Dr.,Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr.,
Healthy bowel habits - (27:2,2019,32)
Archana Verma Dr.,Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr.
Clinical study on banyan milk and turmeric powder - (15:1,2007,50)
Archana Verma Dr.,Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr.
Āyurvedic management of baldness- (16:2,2008,17)
Archana Verma Smt., Dr. Riva Gupta, Dr. Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania
Malarial fever and its Āyurvedic management (19:4,2012,46)
Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Dr. Bhalendu Vaishnav, Sevastiana Korotynskaia, Karen Miscall-Bannon
Project Susthiti — Healing our Covid Caregivers with Music Therapy and Yoga Therapy - (30:1,2022,23)
Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Prarthana Kalaskar, Sevastiana Korotynskaia
Project Empathy - (30:4,2023,48)
Art Buchwald
The bad back problem (Medical humour) - (5:2,1998,70)
Arul Dev
Substance of our Body Heals - (30:2,2022,13)
Arul Dev
To Touch Matter - (31:1,2023,18)
Arul Dev
Surrender Each Moment - (31:3,2023,46)
Arun Bhasme Dr.
Clinical evaluation of Trombidium in amoebic dysentery - (20:1,2012,17)
Arya Maloney Dr.
The encounter of psychology and spirituality (Alchemy of the soul) - (12:2,2004,18)
Arya Maloney Dr.
The body and psycho-spiritual process (Alchemy of the soul) - (13:1,2005,17)
Arya Maloney Dr.
A soul-centered psychology (Alchemy of the soul) - (13:2,2005,10)
Arya Maloney Dr.
Bridging spiritual practice and psychotherapy (Alchemy of the soul) - (13:3,2005,13)
Arya Maloney Dr.
The process of integral psychology (Alchemy of the soul) - (13:4,2006,26)
Arya Maloney Dr.
The suffocated soul (Alchemy of the soul) - (14:1,2006,7)
Arya Maloney Dr.
Transforming Torture (Alchemy of the soul) - (14:2,2006,12)
Arya Maloney Dr.
The uninvited guest (Alchemy of the soul) - (14:3,2006,19)
Arya Maloney Dr.
Spontaneity of soul: an autobiographical glimpse (Alchemy of the soul) - (14:4,2007,16)
A.S.Dalal Dr.
Holistic medicine: its nature,merits and limitations - (1:1,1993,2)
A.S.Dalal Dr.
Psychology of intuition - (2:1,1994,11)
A.S.Dalal Dr.
Consciousness: the mechanistic and the mystical views - (4:2,1997,76)
A.S.Dalal Dr.
Sri Aurobindo and the future psychology - (5:2,1998,43)
A.S. Dalal Dr.
Sri Aurobindo on human development: an integral transpersonal perspective (Future psychology) - (6:2,1999,29)
Dr. A.S. Dalal
The Role of Will in Sadhana - (32:2,2024,45)
Ashashri Shinde Dr. , Pankaj Gahunge Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr., Sudipt Kumar Rath Dr.
A review of kutīpraveśikā rasāyana - (21:2,2013,17)
Ashish Kr.Basu Dr.,Soumitra Basu Dr.
Psychiatry: an Indian approach - (1:2,1994,17)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
We, the miracle (Insight) - (22:1,2014,46)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
The pursuit of perfect health (Reflections) - (22:4,2015,42)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
Of hierarchies, attitudes and spiritual potential of our illnesses (Reflections) - (23:3,2015,45)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
Patients and the art and science of healing - (24:2,2016,14)
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
An armchair view of physicians and patients - (25:3,2017,36)
Ashok Panagariya Dr.
Science of mind in health and happiness - (11:2,2003,32)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr.,V. Sreedhar Dr.,B.L. Gaur Prof.
Flowers in ancient classics - (12:3,2004,33)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr.
Immunity in Āyurveda - (17:2,2009,33)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr.
Āyurvedic interpretation of svapna (dream) - (19:4,2012,42)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr.
An interpretation of the metres of Mādhavanidāna - (20:1,2012,41)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr.
Research in Āyurveda - (20:2,2012,14)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr., Ashashri Shinde Dr. , Pankaj Gahunge Dr., Sudipt Kumar Rath Dr.
A review of kutīpraveśikā rasāyana - (21:2,2013,17)
Dr. Asit K. Panja, Dr. Ruprekha Dutta, Dr. Mita Kotecha
A review Of jāṅgama dravyas (animal products) in the commentary of Siddhabheṣajamaṇimālā - (22:1,2014,16)
Asit Kumar Panja Dr., Monika Kumari Dr., Priti Patil Dr., K.L. Meena Dr.,
A comprehensive review of chronic kidney disease from the Āyurvedic perspective - (22:4,2015,23)
Dr. Asit Kumar Panja, Suman Godara
Ethical considerations in the Āyurveda classics - (23:4,2016,37)
Author Unknown
A strange way to die (Perspective) - (9:1,2000,25)
Author Unknown
Death's Messengers - (17:2,2009,50)
Author Unknown
A walk in the path (Think it over) - (19:1,2011,48)
Author Unknown
A spiritual conspiracy (Think it over) - (19:3,2011,56)


B.L. Gaur Prof.,Asit Kumar Panja Dr.,V. Sreedhar Dr.
Flowers in ancient classics - (12:3,2004,33)
Balakrishna Dr., Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr., P. Suresh Dr. and Reena Dr.
Ayurveda and cancer management: a literature review (21:1,2013,12)
Barbara Ann Brennan
The Gift of Healing (Classical reprint) - (14:2,2006,25)
Barin Mehta
A healing crystal grid: Antahkarana - ( 10:1,2002,31)
Barin Mehta
New dimensions in healing - (17:3,2009,36)
Barrie R.Cassileth Dr.
The social implications of questionable cancer therapies - (2:1,1994,42)
Betty Kraus
My journey with water - (17:2,2009,30)
Betty Kraus
Peace in the cells — an experience in the body consciousness (Perspective) - (22:3,2014,32)
Bhagabhati Sahoo, Jhunu Acharya
The Mother's Grace (Think it over) - (22:1,2014,49)
Bhalendu S. Vaishnav Dr.
Integral Health:concepts and clinical practice - (13:1,2005,10)
Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Somashekhar Nimbalkar Dr., Sandeep Desai, Smruti Vaishnav Dr.
Code Krishna: an innovative practice respecting death, dying and beyond - (25:3,2017,11)
Bhavna Singh Dr., Jasmine Sehgal Dr. , Harsh Sehgal Dr.
A critical review of Kāla (Time) in Āyurveda - ( 30:4,2023,16)
Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Sevastiana Korotynskaia, Karen Miscall-Bannon
Project Susthiti — Healing our Covid Caregivers with Music Therapy and Yoga Therapy - (30:1,2022,23)
Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr, Param Pathak Dr, Smruti Vaishnav Dr, Vibha Vaishnav Dr
Incorporating Spirituality in Higher Education and Patient Care: Innovative Practices - (32:3,2024,32)
B.Vaidyanathan Dr.,Chatura Prabhakar Dr.,Valsa Koshi Dr.
Effect of Shankhapushpi on the physical & mental agility of institutionalised children: a preliminary study - (4:2,1997,71)
Benjamin Libet
Neural destiny: does the brain have a will of its own? - (1:1,1993,76)
Bernhild Whitworth
Letter - (17: 2,2009,52)
Bernhild Whitworth
Vibrations and healing - (17:3,2009,28)
Bikash Jyothi Borthakur Dr.
Medicinal plants used by tribal groups in Assam for orodontal care - (10:3,2002,48)
B.M. Hegde Dr.
Unconventional wisdom in medicine - (16:2,2008,20)
Brenden Skudder Dr.
Are all diseases curable? - (14:4,2007,36)
Brenden Skudder Dr.
Grahanii:an Ayurvedic perspective on irritable bowel syndrome- (16:4,2009,52)


Cakrapanidatta transl. by Dr. P.V. Sharma
Striiroga chikitsaa - (7:2,2000,53)
Camille Van Neer
A psychic healer - (1:2,1994,74)
Camille Van Neer
Clairvoyance as a diagnostic tool - (2:1,1994,61)
A childhood experience of identification (Leaf from the past) - (2:2,1995,38)
Chatura Prabhakar Dr.,Valsa Koshi Dr. & B.Vaidyanathan Dr.
Effect of Shankhapushpii on the physical & mental agility of institutionalised children: a preliminary study - (4:2,1997,71)
ChitraArumugasami, Nalini Shanmugam, NithyaPrabhurajh
Pre-natal consciousness and care - (26:3,2018,17)
Christian A. Latino
American psychology’s psychobiological perspective in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s theory of social development - (25:4,2018,12)
Christian A. Latino
Process-based psychotherapy - (28:4,2021,30)
Christina Albl
Perspective - (1:1,1993,66)
Christina Albl
Touch (Reflections) - (7:2,2000,46)
Impressions (Perspective) - (4:1,1996,70)
C. Nayak Prof.
Proceedings of the national workshop on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child care - (15:4,2008,39)
C. Ravindranath
The role of communication in health care (Perspective) - (8:3,2000,42)
Chungkham Holendro Singh Dr.,Laishram Ladusingh Dr.
Healthcare behaviour of inpatients in India - (16:2,2008,24)
Cromwell Crawford Prof.
The goals of medicine: setting new priorities - (11:2,2003,7)


David Johnston Dr.
Shamanism and contemporary depth therapy - (7:2,2000,34)
David Johnston Dr.
On alcohol addiction: the imaginal and the real - (8:2,2000,37)
David Johnston Dr.
My office,therapy and the aesthetic perspective - (9:3,2001,20)
David Johnston Dr.
A new psychology - (10:2,2002,8)
David Johnston Dr.
Consciousness-force,socially constructed reality and therapy - (11:3,2003,7)
David Johnston Dr.
The individuation process and care of the self - (12:1,2004,9)
David Johnston Dr.
Transference,counter-transference and Jungian depth-therapy - (12:3,2004,9)
David Johnston Dr.
Shamanism and contemporary depth-therapy - (14:2,2006,49)
David Johnston Dr.
The Plural psyche and transformation of individual and society - (19:2,2011,20)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
Holistic medicine - (4:2,1997,50)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
My first patient (Reflections) - (4:2,1997,60)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
God in technology(Perspective) - (8:1,2000,19)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
Mind and soul (Perspective) - (9:3,2001,33)
D.B.Bisht Dr .
Consortium of health-training institutions for India (Editorial) - (10:4,2003,5)
D.B.Bisht Dr .
A case study on the evolution stategies of leprosy control and elimination - (11:3,2003,23)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
Health at the crossroads - the Indian scene (Editorial) - (11:4,2004,5)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
A unified system (Editorial) - (12:2,2004,5)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
A model teacher a neglected aspect of medical pedagogy (Perspective) - (13:1,2005,28)
D.B. Bisht Dr.
Hospitals - health or ill-health institutions? (Think it over) - (14:3,2006,37)
D.B. Bisht Dr.
Spiritual dimension of health with special reference to traditional healing practices (Perspective) - (15:2,2007,47)
D.B. Bisht Dr.
Imperfect success vs. Perfect failures (Perspective) - (18:2,2010,42)
Debabrata Sahani Dr.
A journey though pain (Case study) - (20:2,2012,50)
Debabrata Sahani Dr.
Integrating a multi-faceted approach (Case study) - (23,2,2015,40)
Debabrata Sahani Dr.
Integral healing — a personal perspective - (24:2,2016,37)
Debabrata Sahani Dr.
Open to the power of Śakti - (29:4,2022,13)
Debashis Bhattacharya Dr., Debabrata Sahani Dr.,
A new possibility (Case study) - (21:1,2013,46)
Debabrata Sahani Dr., Debashis Bhattacharya Dr.,
A new possibility (Case study) - (21:1,2013,46)
Debashis Bhattacharya Dr., Debabrata Sahani Dr.,
A clearer vision — a case study in Integral Health - (22:2,2014,46)
Debabrata Sahani Dr., Debashis Bhattacharya Dr.,
A clearer vision — a case study in Integral Health - (22:2,2014,46)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Homoeopathy: past,present and future - (1:1,1993,34)
D.E.Mistry Dr.,M.M.S.Ahuja Dr.
A co-ordination in diabetes mellitus - (2:1,1994,18)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Some reminiscences of the use of homoeopathic remedies in surgery - (2:2,1995,9)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
AIDS: some reflections on its causation - (3:1,1995,10)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Reiki: an overview - (3:1,1995,53)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Homoeopathic medicine in dentistry - (3:2,1996,12)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Some of my memorable cases - (4:2,1997,56)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
He's my dad (Reflections) - (5:2,1998,40)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Cameo cases - (7:2,2000,48)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Terminal cases - (8:4,2001,38)
D.E. Mistry Dr.
A case of Leukodystrophy - (9:2,2001,18)
D.E. Mistry Dr.
Sana: the little zen master (Case study) - (10:4,2003,36)
D.E.Mistry Dr.
Treatment of Craniopharyngioma in a 'little Zen master' (Case study) - (11:4,2004,33)
D.E. Mistry Dr.
A case of Wilson's disease (Case study) - (12:1,2004,42)
D. E. Mistry Dr.
A letter in response to an article in The Times of India (Letters) - (14:1,2006,48)
D.E. Mistry Dr
Letter - (16:1,2008,54)
D.E. Mistry Dr
Homeopathy in the 21st century (Letter) - (18:3,2010,48)
D.E. Mistry Dr
A letter concerning the hadvaid article - (21:3,2013,46)
Denis Capdeville
Facing mental challenges on the spiritual path: reaching equanimity - (27:4,2020,43)
Denis Capdeville
Forgiveness and reconciliation - (28:1,2020,43)
Denis Capdeville
Reaching one’s psychic being through prayer - (29:1,2021,47)
Dan (Denis) Capdeville
Truth and entertainment during these Covid times - (29:2,2021,28)
Devashish Patnaik
Gardening for the soul - (24:1,2016,15)
Dhan Palkhivala
Hadvaid — Manchershaw Madhivala - (21:4,2014,39)
Devayani S. Kashyap Dr.
Can handwriting help in the detection of children's traumatic sexual experiences ? - (16:2,2008,44)
Dennis Shields Dr.
Slow dance (Think it over) - (10:4,2003,25)
Dr. Dharmpal Bhatt, Dr. S.P.S. Jaijania
An evaluation of karañjādi taila and guñjā phala lepa in the management of khalitya - (20:3,2012,33)
Dian Huff Kiser
The habit of happiness - (24:3,2016,45)
Dinkar Govind Thatte Dr. (Trans.)
Sushruta Samhitaa (Leaf from the past) - (7:1,1999,29)
Dinkar Palande Dr.
Alternative systems of medicne - (1:1,1993,11)
Divyanshi Chugh
The power of harmony in times of crisis - (26:4,2019,34)
Divyanshi Chugh
Privilege of Pain — The Role of Pain in the Spiritual Journey - (32:1,2024,17)
Dorathea Thompson
The ever-present encounter with the soul — infirmities challenges and end of life - (24:2,2016,19)
Dorathea Thompson
What is real? An exploration into the deeper workings of Real and Reality - (28:1,2020,11)
Dorathea Thompson
An integrative approach — working through fear — case study of a 10-year-old boy - (25:1,2017,27)
Dorathea Thompson
An integral exploration of the benefits of meditation - (26:1,2018,10)
Dipsinh Chavda Dr.
The ancient principles of a pre-operative food regimen in the light of contemporary sciences - (24:2,2016,31)
Dorris Phillips
Perspective - (2:1,1994,74)


Sri Aurobindo international institute for integral health and research - (1:1,1993,81)
New Age News - (1:1,1993,87)
New Age News - (1:2,1994,97)
Vasisthadarshanam (Leaf from the past) - (2:1,1994,28)
Flower remedies: a note from SAIIIHR - (2:1,1994,67)
Question hour - (2:1,1994,72)
Question hour on surgical instruments in Ayurveda with Dr. K.H.Krishnamurty - (2:2,1995,65)
Sri Aurobindo international institute for integral health and research - (2:2,1995,84)
Question hour with Dr. D.B.Bisht - (3:1,1995,63)
News and Views - (3:1,1995,87)
SAIIIHR: meeting notes - (3:1,1995,93)
Question hour with Dr. Lucas Dengel - (3:2,1996,59)
Insight - (3:2,1996,80)
Question hour on SAIIIHR - (4:1,1996,71)
Question hour with Prof. Priya Vrat Sharma - (4:2,1997,86)
A report from SAIIIHR - (5:2,1998,81)
A report from SAIIIHR - (6:1,1998,83)
A report from SAIIIHR - (6:2,1999,90)
CODEX Alimentarius: a scourge or a bane (News and views) - (7:1,1999,75)
A report from SAIIIHR - (7:1,1999,86)
A report from SAIIIHR - (7:2,2000,82)
The evolutionary theory (News and Views) - (8:1,2000,45)
Cox-2 inhibitors a lesson in the unexpected (News and views) - (13:1,2005,44)
Interview with a sungazer who doesn't need to eat (Question hour) - (13:2,2005,40)
Herbal medicine in Europe (News and views) - (13:2,2005,50)
Letters on the sungazer - (13:3,2005,51)
Annual Report of SAIIIHR - (14:1,2006,52)
Edward Bauman Dr.,
Holistic nutrition: from farm, to college, to community - (22:2,2014,13)
Ed Bauman Dr. , Jodi Friedlander
Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet — I - (23:4,2016,16)
Ed Bauman Dr. , Jodi Friedlander
Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet – II - (24:1,2016,20)
Ed Bauman Dr., Shiela Moorthy
Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory tonic - (26:1,2018,17)
Ed Bauman Dr., Shiela Moorthy
Tulsi, holy basil: a gentle energy tonic - (26:4,2019,27)
Elisabeth Kbler Ross Dr.
The silence that goes beyond words (Think it over) - (10:1,2002,37)
E. Shaji Raj Dr.
The concept of mind according to Ayurveda (Perspective) - (21:1,2013,35)


Falguni Jani
A ray of hope (Case study) - (9:3,2001,42)
Frank D. Campion
Facing death (Think it over) - (9:3,2001,18)
F.W.J.J Snel Dr. & P.C.Vander Sijde Dr.
Paranormal healing: an overview - (1:2,1994,86)


Gayatri Gandhe Dr.
Pañcakarma therapies — a detoxifying and rejuvenating technique - (27:2,2019,27)
Geeta Kumar Dr.
Realms of the evolution of consciousness - (28:4,2021,18)
Geeta Kumar Dr.
The four pillars of well-being — an integral approach - (29:3,2021,29)
George Vithoulkas
Homeopathy and healthcare: an interview with Professor George Vithoulkas - (24:2,2016,8)
Girish Singh
Biofeedback and chronobiology as conceived ancient Indian medicine - (6:2,1999,48)
Gopal Misra Dr.
Neem - (4:1,1996,77)
Gouri Rani Ghosh Dr.
Tulasi - (3:1,1995,23)
Gouri Rani Ghosh Dr.,S.D.Biswas Dr. & Mohini Gupta Dr.
Antimycotic activity of herbal preparations - (5:2,1998,12)
Goutam Mitra
The psycho-spiritual space for human settlement - (6:1,1998,62)
Govardhan Dave,Alok Pandey Dr.
Letter - (14:3,2006,47)
Goverdhanam Vani Dr., J. S. R. A. Prasad Dr.,
A pilot study of lifestyle modifications as prescribed in Ayurveda for diabetes mellitus type-II - (21:4,2014,31)
Govind Nishar and Dr. Swarupa Nishar
Ayurveda in the light of the Integral Yoga - (18:1,2010,25)


Harsh Sehgal Dr., Bhavna Singh Dr., Jasmine Sehgal Dr. ,
A critical review of Kāla (Time) in Āyurveda - ( 30:4,2023,16)
Helen Keller
Three days to see - (15:4,2008,61)
Hem Chandra Dr.,Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,Rajiv Rastogi Dr.,
Practice of the Ayurvedic system of medicine: a pilot study - (15:4,2008,19)
Hemanth Kumar Kushwaha Dr., Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.,
An overview of Buerger’s disease (Thrombo angitis obliterans) in Āyurveda - (20:2,2012,24)
Hemant Kapoor
Mysticism and schizophrenia - (14:4,2007,32)


Ilza Veith Dr.
The discovery of insulin - (16:3,2008,28)
Imran Ali Namazi
Jump with Faith (Perspective) - (32:1,2024,48)
Ingrid Howard
Herbal therapeutics for high blood pressure - (8:3,2000,30)
Ingrid Howard
Herbal therapeutics for duodenal & gastric ulcers - (8:4,2001,10)


Jack Coulehan Dr.
Education (Perspective) - (3:1,1995,66)
Jagannath Dr.
Medicine (Perspective) - (15:1,2007,38)
Jagannath Chatterjee Dr.
Vaccinations (Think it over) - (17:4,2010,44)
Jai Prakash Singh Dr.,S.K. Tiwari
Pharmacotherapeutical appraisal of thorn apple (Datura stramonium) - (16:3,2008,46)
J. Coulehan Dr.,Katherine Treadway Dr.,P.C. Williams Dr.
Becoming a physician (Perspective) - (13:2,2005,31)
James Anderson
Calling Her force - (10:2,2002,53)
James Anderson
Working with Her Force (Perspective) - (12:4,2005,11)
James Anderson
The deathless rose - (15:2,2007,38)
James Anderson
Joy - (16:1,2008,36)
James Anderson
Transcending nature - (16:3,2008,35)
James Anderson
Harmony - (17:2,2009,16)
James Anderson
A way forward - (17:4,2010,13)
James Anderson
Body and soul - (18:1,2010,16)
James Anderson
The riddle of life - (18:2,2010,11)
James Anderson
The secret Will - (18:3,2010,12)
James Anderson
Psychological perfection - (18:4,2011,21)
James Anderson
Psychological perfection (cont.) - (19:1,2011,16)
James Anderson
The descending path - (19:2,2011,10)
James Anderson
A journey of the heart - (19:3,2011,27)
James Anderson
Coming up for air - (19:4,2012,12)
James Anderson
Foothills to equality - (20:1,2012,10)
James Anderson
Foothills to equality - II - (20:2,2012,18)
James Anderson
Moving matter - (20:3,2012,22)
James Anderson
The roots of pain - (20:4, 2013, 31)
James Anderson
Facing pain - (21:1,2013,18)
James Anderson
The stress of growth - (21:2,2013,10)
James Anderson
Being present - (21:3,2013,21)
James Anderson
Truth in healing - (21:4,2014,27)
James Anderson
Love in healing - (22:1,2014,10)
James Anderson
The sources of energy - (22:2,2014,21)
James Anderson
Being happy - (22:3,2014,26)
James Anderson
A matter of habit - (22:4,2015,35)
James Anderson
Out of the shadows - (23:1,2015,13)
James Anderson
Growing and expanding - (23:2,2015,12)
James Anderson
Expanding through pain - (23:3,2015,32)
James Anderson
The work of alignment - (23:4,2016,28)
James Anderson
Traversing attachment - (24:1,2016,9)
James Anderson
Living truly - (24:2,2016,44)
James Anderson
In the bubble - (24:3,2016,24)
James Anderson
Conscious individuality - (24:3,2017,19)
James Anderson
Change and transformation - (25:1,2017,14)
James Anderson
Transmuting the emotions - (25:2,2017,33)
James Anderson
Taking charge - (25:3,2017,25)
James Anderson
The yearning for freedom - (25:4,2018,32)
James Anderson
Dissolving desire - (26:1,2018,29)
James Anderson
The Yoga of Love - (26:2,2018,44)
James Anderson
Reversing anger through Integral Yoga - (26:3,2018,34)
James Anderson
Healing through works - (26:4,2019,22)
James Anderson
Healing and knowledge (Insight) - (27:1,2019,43)
James Anderson
The body — our perfect teacher - (27:2,2019,18)
James Anderson
Yoga and our destiny - (27:2,2019,41)
James Anderson
Truth and Love (Insight) - (27:3,2019,45)
James Anderson
Living the mantra - (27:4,2020,19)
James Anderson
An answer to irritation - (28:1,2020,46)
James Anderson
Finally it is Faith that cures - (28:3,2020,46)
James Anderson
Your atmosphere is contagious - (28:4,2021,34)
James Anderson
The signpost to our destiny - (29:1,2021,33)
James Anderson
Offer and transcend your grief - (29:2,2021,24)
James Anderson
Develop your own immunity - (29:3,2021,18)
James Anderson
The Fire of purification (Insight) - (29:4,2022,45)
James Anderson
Take the Integral Approach - (30:1,2022,34)
James Anderson
When Depression is a “Psychological Necessity” - (30:2,2022,28)
James Anderson
Align Your Will - (30:3,2022,17)
James Anderson
Working through Toxicity - (30:4,2023,34)
James Anderson
Going Beyond Desire and Aversion - (31:1,2023,11)
James Anderson
Live Your Truth (Insight) - (31:2,2023,55)
James Anderson
What Resonates with You? - (31:3,2023,34)
James Anderson
Facing the Hostile Forces - (31:4,2024,29)
James Anderson
Embrace Your Loneliness - (32:1,2024,32)
James Anderson
Walk Away from Self-Pity - (32:2,2024,27)
James Anderson
The Myth of Self-Love - (32:3,2024,40)
James Anderson
Transforming the Spirit of Competition - (32:4,2025,24)
Jamshed Minoo
The Flame of a Candle Can Light up Another: An Inspirational Playlet - (31:2,2023,15)
Jasmine Gujarathi Dr., Ritesh Gujarathi Dr.
Prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women through Āyurveda - (22:3,2014,15)
Jasmine Gujarathi Dr., Ritesh Gujarathi Dr.
Diagnosis and management of anuktavyādhi (undescribed diseases) through Āyurveda - (23:2,2015,16)
Jasmine Gujarathi Dr., Ritesh Gujarathi Dr.
Upgrading Social Health Through Ayurveda - (24:4,2017,37)
Jasmine Sehgal Dr. , Harsh Sehgal Dr., Bhavna Singh Dr.,
A critical review of Kāla (Time) in Āyurveda - ( 30:4,2023,16)
J.B.S.Haldane Dr.
Cancer's a funny thing (Reflections) - (5:1,1997,62)
Jeff Brinkley
Mythology in practice (Think it over) - (6:2,1999,80)
Jhunu Acharya, Bhagabhati Sahoo
The Mother's Grace (Think it over) - (22:1,2014,49)
Jim Holt
Mind of a rock - (16:1,2008,43)
Jitendra Belani Dr.,
When human knowledge ends - (26:4,2019,47)
Joachim P. Seckel
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – I - (23:1,2015,20)
Joachim P. Seckel
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – II - (23:2,2015,26)
Joachim P. Seckel
Creating a healing atmosphere within centres and for a spiritual community: an investigative study – III - (23:3,2015,37)
Joachim P. Seckel
Collective bio-energetic detoxification - (24:1,2016,46)
Joachim P. Seckel
Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — I - (24:3,2016,40)
Joachim P. Seckel
Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — II - (25:1,2017,34)
Joachim P. Seckel
Integral Yoga / bio-energetic healing system - (25:2,2017,24)
Joachim P. Seckel
Case-studies: Integral Yoga / bio-energetic healing system (IY/BE) - (26:1,2018,42)
Joachim P. Seckel
Integral Yoga/ Bio-energetic Healing System (IY/BE) — advanced techniques - (26:3,2018,47)
Joachim P. Seckel
Conjunctive Treatment for Covid-19: Integral Yoga and bio-energetic technique - (28:4,2021,43)
Joan B.Burke
A space-time model of health - (1:2,1994,71)
Jodi Friedlander, Ed Bauman Dr.
Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet — I - (23:4,2016,16)
Jodi Friedlander, Ed Bauman Dr.
Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet – II - (24:1,2016,20)
John B. Mulliken Dr.
A sense of wonder (Reprint) - (12:4,2005,17)
Jonathan Breslow Dr.
Scalp acupuncture - (2:1,1994,53)
Joseph Campbell
Question Hour - (9:1,2001,27)
Jyoti Sobel & Norman C.Dowsett
Towards man's real personality (The future psychology) - (5:1,1997,44)


Kala Shreen Dr.
Revisiting and rethinking approaches to health and healing - (16:1,2008,46)
Katherine Treadway Dr.,J. Coulehan Dr.,P.C. Williams Dr.
Becoming a physician (Perspective) - (13:2,2005,31)
Kameshwar Wali
Question hour - (6:1,1998,50)
Karel Nespor Dr.
Hatha yoga in psychiatry - (1:2,1994,48)
Karen Miscall-Bannon, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Sevastiana Korotynskaia,
Project Susthiti — Healing our Covid Caregivers with Music Therapy and Yoga Therapy - (30:1,2022,23)
Karl Robinson Dr.
Matter needs light,light needs matter (Think it over) - (9:4,2002,35)
Kayomarz Patel Dr.
The traditional Parsi-Zoroastrian hadvaid – a historical perspective - (21:2,2013,34)
Kelly Johnston
The blessings of illness (Perspective) - (22:2,2014,43)
Kelly Johnston
In defence of pain (Think it over) - (23:2,2015,45)
Kelly Johnston
Remember Me - (25:1,2017,18)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
History of Ayurveda - (1:1,1993,22)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Linguistics in medicine - (1:2,1994,29)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Professional education: a prescription (Leaf from the past) - (3:1,1995,56)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Modern science and traditional medical practitioners - (3:1,1995,74)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Specifications for writing (Leaf from the past) - (3:2,1996,49)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Bilva - (3:2,1996,67)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
An integral living (Leaf from the past) - (4:1,1996,67)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
New horizons: from the past to the future - (4:2,1997,18)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Shirinigavera (Zingiber officinale) - (4:2,1997,37)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Jambira - (5:1,1997,68)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Selection criteria for medical students in Ayurveda - (5:2,1998,37)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Dhaanyaka - (5:2,1998,55)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Yavaanika or Ajavaayan - (6:1,1998,41)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Medical ethics in Indian ethos: prospectus and scope - (6:2,1999,13)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Vatiavriksa or Banyan tree - (6:2,1999,53)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Pudiinaa or Mint - (7:1,1999,38)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Peepul (Ficus religiosa,Linn.,) - (9:1,2001,30)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Coconut or Naarikela (Cocos nucifera,Linn.,) - (9:2,2001,34)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Iishaadgol,Iishaapagol or Iishaabgol (Plantago ovata,forsk.) - (9:3,2001,27)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Kadali or Banana (Musa Paradisiaca,Linn.,) - (9:4,2002,19)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Supari or Betel nut (Areca catechu,Linn.,) - (10:1,2002,19)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Braahmil (Bacopa Monniera,Wettst. and Hydrocotyl asatica,Linn.,) - (10:2,2002,17)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Papaya (Carica papaya,Linn.,) - (10:3,2002,23)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Lahsun or garlic (Allium sativum,Linn.,) - (10:4,2003,26)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Mirchi or chilli - (11:1,2003,22)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Hospital construction in ancient India (Leaf from the past) - (11:1,2003,48)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Khas or Sugandhimulah - (11:2,2003,26)
K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Methi or fenugreek - (11:3,2003,30)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Ikshuh or Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum,Linn.) - (11:4,2004,15)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Āmra phala or Mango (Mangifera indica,Linn.) - (12:1,2004,25)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Amrutaphalam,Guava (Psidium guyava Linn.) - (12:2,2004,29)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Eranda,castor (Ricinus communis,Linn.) - (12:3,2004,19)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Haridraa,Turmeric (Curcuma longa,Linn.) - (12:4,2005,25)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Gokshurah,puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris,and Pedalium murex,Linn.) - (13:1,2005,30)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Draakshaa or Grape (Vitex vinifera,Linn.) - (13:2,2005,34)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Palaandu,Onion (Allium cepa,Linn.) - (13:3,2005,26)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Madhu,Honey - (13:4,2006,34)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Lavang,Clove (Myrtus caryophyllus,Linn.) - (14:1,2006,39)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Jaamun,Black plum,(Eugenia) - (14:2,2006,41)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Paashaanabhedii or Indian borage (coleus aromaticus,Benth.)- (15:2,2007,34)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr. & N. Loganathan Dr.
Baheḍā or Vibhītakī (Terminalia bellirica,Gaertn.) - (8:2,2000,17)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr. & N. Loganathan Dr.
Āmalakī,Emblic myrobalan (Emblica officinalis,Gaertn.) - (8:1,2000,31)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr. & V.V. Bhat Sri
Embryogenesis (Leaf from the past) - (10:2,2002,42)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Kesar,saffron (Crocus sativus,Linn.) - (14:4,2007,25)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Infection and its management in Ayurveda - (15:1,2007,31)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Khadira (Acacia catechu,Willd.) - (15:3,2007,24)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Barburah or Indian gum arabic (Acacia arabica,Willd.) - (15:4,2008,43)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Maricam or black pepper or piper nigrum (Linn.) - (16:2,2008,39)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Dalchiini,tejpat - (17:1,2009,18)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Elā or cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum or repens) - (18:1,2010,36)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Jeeraka or cumin and caraway (Cuminum cyminum,Linn. and Carum carvi) - (18:3,2010,31)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Madhurikā, saunf or fennel (Foeniculum vulgare,Gaertn.) - (18:4,2011,47)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
On Salt - (19:1,2011,28)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Common salt or sodium chloride - (19:2,2011,45)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Bhūmī āmalakī, Phyllanthus - (19:3,2011,40)
K.H.Krishnamurthy Dr.
Śigru or drumstick (Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn., M. oleifera, Lam.) - (20:4, 2013,44)
Kishaloy Ghosh
Play therapy - (3:2,1996,73)
K.L. Meena Dr., Monika Kumari Dr., Priti Patil Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr.,
A comprehensive review of chronic kidney disease from the Āyurvedic perspective - (22:4,2015,23)
K.N. Bagchi Dr.
Poison damsel (Classical reprint) - (8:2,2000,11)
K.S. Srinivasan Dr.
A case of autism - (10:1,2002,15)


Laishram Ladusingh Dr.,Chungkham Holendro Singh Dr.,
Healthcare behaviour of inpatients in India - (16:2,2008,24)
Lakshman Sehgal
The Mother and the importance of physical education in Integral Yoga - (28:2,2020,12)
Larry Seidlitz Dr.
Viewing and treating others as the Divine - (29:1,2021,9)
L.A.Mehta Dr. & Manu L.Kothari Dr.
Dysis vs disease - (1:2,1994,58)
Lee Corroll
John the healer - (16:4,2009,57)
Lim Li Chung
WHO urged to act on worrying smallpox research trends (News and views) - (15:1,2007,53)
Lopa A.Mehta Dr. & Manu L.Kothari Dr.
The mythology of modern medicine - (3:1,1995,15)
Lopa Mukherjee
An Emotional Literacy Programme - (26:2,2018,10)
Lopa Mukherjee
Emotional Literacy Training - (26:3,2018,24)
Lopa Mukherjee
Protecting Innocence - (27:1,2019,11)
Lopa Mukherjee
Archetypal Psychology - (27:3,2019,27)
Lopa Mukherjee
The transcendent function of dreams - (28:2,2020,21)
Lopa Mukherjee
All The world’s a stage: On drama therapy - (28:3,2020,38)
Lopa Mukherjee
The symbolic and the subjective - (29:3,2021,12)
Lopa Mukherjee
The call of the supernatural - (29:4,2022,33)
Lopa Mukherjee
Artificial Intelligence - (30:1,2022,44)
Lopa Mukherjee
The Pursuit of Happiness - (30:4,2023,38)
Lopa Mukherjee
Cultivating an Ecological Consciousness - (31:3,2023,18)
Lopa Mukherjee
Yoga Lessons from Nature - (32:2,2024,16)
Lopa Mukherjee
Dreams and Sadhana - (32:3,2024,13)
L.A.Mehta Dr. & M. L.Kothari Dr.
The nature of informaton revolution (Classical reprint) - (10:1,2002,13)
Lopa Mehta,Manu Kothari
Cancer - (15:4,2008,56)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
Holistic medicine in practice (Perspective) - (3:2,1996,46)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
Question Hour - (3:2,1996,59)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
In search of the key (Reflections) - (7:1,1999,65)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
Solid waste management and alternatives for pesticide use in the Pondicherry region - (8:1,2000,9)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
Dynamic plants for farming and healing - (10:4,2003,10)
Lucas Dengel Dr.
Eco-friendly hygiene with EM technology - (14:3,2006,15)
Lynne McTaggart
Crazy about cholesterol (Classical reprint) - (8:3,2000,14)


Mahadeva Srinivasan Dr.
The amazing phenomenon of extrasensory perception of nuclear structure and subatomic particles (Classical reprint) - (7:2,2000,18)
Mamta Saxena Dr.,R. Sen Gupta Dr. and Pranav Pandya Dr.
Yagya vs. Non-Yagya : a case study on the indoor microbial envirnoment - (15:1,2007,16)
Manikonda Prakash Rao
Management of mucus-related respiratory problems through sinus and airway cleaning excercises - (18:3,2010,24)
Manikonda Prakash Rao
Airway mucus hyper-secretion and its management through exercise interventions - (23:1,2015,36)
Manikonda Prakash Rao
Experiences and reflections of a self-made healthcare specialist - (25:2,2017,38)
Manu Kothari Dr.,Lopa Mehta Dr.
Cancer - (15:4,2008,56)
Margot Esther Borden
Adapting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s teachings to an Integral Psychology - (24:4,2017,44)
Marie Carlsson
The power of music - (10:3,2002,12)
Marie Carlsson
Music: transpersonal experiences and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music - (22:4,2015,11)
Manoj Das
Mental health and the state of social culture - (1:1,1993,69)
Manoj Pavithran
Swadharma, a learning journey towards wholeness (Insight) - (26:4,2019,16)
Manoj Pavithran
The Third Method of Research in Psychology - (30:3,2022,38)
Manoj Pavithran
An Integral Psychology Perspective on Bipolar Disorder (31:1,2023,32)
Manoj Pavithran
Individualisation in Integral Yoga Psychology (31:4,2024,34)
Manoj Pavithran
The Role of Pain and Suffering in our Growth (32:2,2024,10)
Manoj Pavithran
Tapasya and Surrender: The Paradoxical Process of Self-Transformation (32:4,2025,10)
Manu L.Kothari Dr.& L.A.Mehta Dr.
Dysis vs disease - (1:2,1994,58)
Manu L.Kothari Dr. & Lopa A.Mehta Dr.
The mythology of modern medicine - (3:1,1995,15)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr. & S.V. Prasad Dr.
Multi-centre study of Ksarasutra in high anal fistula - (8:4,2001,28)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.
Āyurvedic evaluation of Galagaṇda: an overview - (9:3,2001,8)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.
A review of kṣārasūtra management in high anal fistula - (19:2,2011,30)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.
An overview of certain Āyurvedic herbs in the management of viral hepatitis - (19:3,2011,14)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.
The prevalence of hepatitis B in India and its prevention with Āyurveda – a revisit - (19:4,2012,22)
Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr., Hemanth Kumar Kushwaha Dr.,
An overview of Buerger’s disease (Thrombo angitis obliterans) in Āyurveda - (20:2,2012,24)
From amoeba to star (Think it over) - (2:2,1995,62)
Michael Miovic Dr.
Medical education: a dream for the future (Perspective) - (6:1,1998,68)
Michael Miovic Dr.
Some thoughts on flower remedies - (7:1,1999,67)
Michael Miovic Dr.
The first international conference in Integral psychology (Notes on the way) - (7:2,2000,68)
Michael Miovic Dr.
Non-local studies - implications for health - (11:1,2003,7)
Michael Miovic Dr.
Flower remedies in psychodynamic psychotherapy - (11:4,2004,24)
Michael Miovic Dr.
The relevance of non-local studies to health - (17:3,2009,14)
Michelle Locke
Dancing the elements with Wu Tao - (18:1,2010,46)
Mira Patel
Life as a jigsaw puzzle - (26:2,2018,47)
Mira Prabhu
Luminous pearls on a cosmic string - (26:3,2018,41)
Mira Prabhu
Gratitude — the great attitude Part 1 (Think it over) - (22:4,2015,49)
Mira Prabhu
Gratitude — the great attitude Part 2 (Think it over) - (23:1,2015,44)
Mira Prabhu
Dying Every Single Day - (24:2,2016,27)
Mira Prabhu
You can run but you can’t hide (Perspective) - (27:1,2019,48)
Mira Prabhu
The paradox of addiction - (27:2,2019,48)
Mira Prabhu
Those boring old clichés - (27:4,2020,46)
Mira Prabhu
Playing dead - (28:2,2020,49)
Mita Kotecha, Dr. Asit K. Panja, Dr. Ruprekha Dutta, Dr.
A review Of jāṅgama dravyas (animal products) in the commentary of Siddhabheṣajamaṇimālā - (22:1,2014,16)
M. L.Kothari Dr. & L.A.Mehta Dr.
The nature of informaton revolution (Classical reprint) - (10:1,2002,13)
M.M.S.Ahuja Dr.,D.E.Mistry Dr.
A co-ordination in diabetes mellitus - (2:1,1994,18)
M.M.S.Ahuja Dr.
Creative arts in therapeutic use (Perspective) - (5:2,1998,52)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Cancer: a call to bring forth the Psychic - (27:2,2019,22)
Monica Gulati
Cancer: a cheap bargain - (27:4,2020,29)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Cancer: a chance to recognise the disharmony among the various parts of the being - (28:1,2020,27)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Transforming the Asuras within us - (28:3,2020,27)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Suffering – the postman - (29:1,2021,39)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Attachment to Love — Darkness to Light - (29:2,2021,43)
Monica Gulati Dr.
A case of mistaken identity - (29:3,2021,38)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Tapasya of Love — from human love to divine Love - (29:4,2022,42)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Thoughts, Feelings, Perceptions — Wave or Particle? - (30:1,2022,39)
Monica Gulati Dr.
The Art of Suffering Well - (30:2,2022,42)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Altruism in various lights - (30:3,2022,45)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Why would I keep the temple clean? - (30:4,2023,24)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Self-forgetfulness and its beauty - (31:1,2023,42)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Cultivating a Sense of Interconnectedness: Rejoicing and Sharing Merit - (31:2,2023,41)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Preparing and opening the being to the Higher Force - (31:3,2023,39)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Sādhanā Through Human Love - (31:4,2024,40)
Monica Gulati Dr.
The Power of Japa and Affirmations- (32:2,2024,37)
Monica Gulati Dr.
Exploring Endurance: a process in the body of transcending a weakness - (32:4,2025,46)
Monica Nanda Dr.
Reflections on Vital Education (Reflection) - (30:1,2022,50)
M.S. Srinivasan
A parable (Think it over) - (13:1,2005,48)
M.S. Srinivasan
Finding the root cause of a problem (Perspective) - (15:3,2007,35)
M.S. Srinivasan
The Fire and the Flower - (16:2,2008,55)
M.S. Srinivasan
Evolution of human nature - (17:1,2009,39)
Mohini Gupta Dr.,Gouri Rani Ghosh Dr.,S.D.Biswas Dr.
Antimycotic activity of herbal preparations - (5:2,1998,12)
Alternative Therapies. An interview of Sundararajan - (16:4,2009,30)
The Mother,Sri Aurobindo
The secret towards which pain leads us (Insight)- (2:2,1995,54)
The Mother,Sri Aurobindo
The coming race - (16:1,2008,4)
The Mother
Relief of pain: the integral way (Insight)- (4:1,1996,85)
The Mother
Body-mind connection (Insight)- (4:2,1997,90)
The Mother
The worship of the Supreme in matter (Insight)- (6:2,1999,74)
The Mother
Natural catastrophes - (13:1,2005,4)
The Mother
Effacing the memory of the body - (13:2,2005,4)
The Mother
Reasons for illness - (13:3,2005,4)
The Mother
ABC of the transformation of the body - (14:1,2006,4)
The Mother
The body-consciousness - (14:2,2006,4)
The Mother
Pain and suffering - (14:3,2006,4)
The Mother
Recurrent illnesses - (15:1,2007,4)
The Mother
Physical suffering - (16:2,2008,4)
The Mother
Preventing illness - (16:3,2008,4)
The Mother
The unreality of illness- (16:4,2009,4)
The Mother
Forces of illness - (17:2,2009,4)
The Mother
Birth of a soul - (17:3,2009,4)
The Mother
To cure a disorder - (17:4,2010,4)
The Mother
The aim of physical culture - (18:1,2010,4)
The Mother
Illness and its causes - (18:2,2010,4)
The Mother
The two ends of existence - (18:3,2010,4)
The Mother
A solution to man's torment - (18:4,2011,4)
The Mother
The secret of nature - (19:1,2011,4)
The Mother
The freedom of the body - (19:2,2011,4)
The Mother
The source of illness - (19:3,2011,4)
The Mother
Nullifying pain - (19:4,2012,4)
The Mother
On wasting energy - (20:1,2012,4)
The Mother
'Physical laws' - (20:2,2012,4)
The Mother
Immortality and the body - (20:3,2012,4)
The Mother
The Truth in Matter - (20:4, 2013, 4)
The Mother
Conscious will on the body - (21:1,2013,4)
The Mother
The idea of perfect life - (21:2,2013,4)
The Mother
The physical yoga - (21:3,2013,4)
The Mother
What is death? - (21:4,2014,4)
The Mother
Bad thoughts - (22:1,2014,4)
The Mother
The principle of physical culture - (22:2,2014,4)
The Mother
The purpose of terrestrial existence - (22:3,2014,4)
The Mother
The approaches to Knowledge - (22:4,2015,4)
The Mother
The knowledge of the soul - (23:1,2015,4)
The Mother
The the power of experience - (23:2,2015,4)
The Mother
The miracles of human reason - (23:3,2015,4)
The Mother
Understanding with the body - (23:4,2016,4)
The Mother
Increasing the receptivity of the body - (24:1,2016,4)
The Mother
The dynamic realisation - (24:2,2016,4)
The Mother
The atmosphere of protection - (24:3,2016,4)
The Mother
The true Delight of being - (24:4,2017,4)
The Mother
Attunement of the outer nature - (25:1,2017,4)
The Mother
Awakening the consciousness of matter - (25:2,2017,4)
The Mother
The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It - (25:3,2017,4)
The Mother
The means to individuality - (25:4,2018,4)
The Mother
Fear and illness - (26:1,2018,4)
The Mother
Inner transformation and the physical resistance - (26:2,2018,4)
The Mother
Stepping Back - (26:3,2018,4)
The Mother
Hallucinations and visions - (26:4,2019,4)
The Mother
The spontaneous action of the body - (27:1,2019,4)
The Mother
The reversal of consciousness - (27:2,2019,4)
The Mother
The supreme rest - (27:3,2019,4)
The Mother
Inner liberation and the change of consciousness - (27:4,2020,4)
The Mother
Faith and the body - (28:1,2020,4)
The Mother
Microbes: their origin and the forces behind them - (28:2,2020,5)
The Mother
The Essence of immortality - (28:2,2020,4)
The Mother
Experiences of the Inner Being - (28:4,2021,4)
The Mother
"Pain in the touch of our Mother" - (29:1,2021,4)
The Mother
Physical Education - (29:2,2021,4)
The Mother
Vital Education - (29:3,2021,4)
The Mother
Mental Education - (29:4,2022,4)
The Mother
Psychic Education and Spiritual Education - (30:1,2022,4)
The Mother
Knowledge and Wisdom - (30:4,2023,4)
The Mother
Death is not a Necessity - (31:2,2023,4)
The Mother
Conquering Fear, Doubt and Scepticism - (31:3,2023,4)
The Mother
Search with Your Highest Intelligence - (32:1,2024,4)
The Mother
Reason and Wisdom - (32:3,2024,4)
The Mother
What the Soul Sees, It Knows - (32:4,2025,4)
Mridulata Maurya Dr.
The importance of dantaśarkarā nirharaṇa in tartar-induced periodontal disease - (20:2,2012,45)


Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR - (17:1,2009,30)
Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (II) - (17:2,2009,42)
Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (III) - (17:3,2009,45)
Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (IV) - (17:4,2010,22)
Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (V) - (18:1,2010,43)
Nancy Whitlow and Vandana Dr.
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (VI) - (18:2,2010,29)
V. Nandini Dr.
Allopathy and Ayurveda (Question hour)- (15:2,2007,56)
Nandini Gupta Dr.
The Gift of Integral Yoga: New Birthing of Consciousness for an Uplifting Rebirth - (32:4,2025,36)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Psychiatrists and Shamans: a comparison - (9:1,2001,12)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Mystical,Spiritual and Religious experiences - (9:4,2002,11)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Knowledge frameworks in medicine and health - (23:3,2015,8)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Cultural U-turns in understanding mental health - (24:4,2017,11)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Memories from beyond: ‘unseen’ effects of trauma - (27:3,2019,12)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Wider Collateral of War: Spiritist Effects on Human Well-being - (30:3,2022,31)
Natalie Tobert Dr.
Memories of Beyond (Perspective) - (32:2,2024,32)
N.C. Surya Dr.
Health for all by 2000 AD... (Classical reprint) - (9:2,2001,12)
N.C. Surya Dr.
Personal autonomy and instrumental accuracy (Classical reprint) - (10:2,2002,28)
Nelson Barros F. Dr.,Pamela Siegel Dr.
Yoga and health: a systematic literature review - (14:4,2007,40)
Nelson Mandela's speech
Think it over - (8:4,2001,37)
Nimisha Rattan
Conscious eating (Perspective) - (22:4,2015,52)
Nirodbaran Dr. and Sri Aurobindo
Medical humour - (5:1,1997,41)
Nirodbaran Dr. and Sri Aurobindo
Shifting to the Dispensary - (24:4,2017,47)
NithyaPrabhurajh, Nalini Shanmugam, Chitra Arumugasami
Pre-natal consciousness and care - (26:3,2018,17)
N. Loganathan
Harītakī (Terminalia chebula Retz.) - (7:2,2000,40)
N. Loganathan Dr.
Hepatitis B vaccine -- is it a solution for Hepatitis B infection? - (9:3,2001,52)
N. Loganathan Dr.
Puthupattu forest - the lore and the treasure- (9:3,2001,54)
N. Loganathan Dr.
Some ethno-medicinal plants (Research report) - (11:2,2003,43)
N. Loganathan Dr. & K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Āmalakī,Emblic myrobalan (Emblica officinalis,Gaertn.) - (8:1,2000,31)
N. Loganathan Dr. & K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Baheḍā or Vibhītakī (Terminalia bellirica,Gaertn.) - (8:2,2000,17)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
True Charity (Think it over) - (15:4,2008,4)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
The soul and its journey - (13:4,2006,4)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
The New humanity - (14:4,2007,4)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Equality of the body – Equality of the soul - (17:1,2009,4)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Body-Energy (Insight) - (24:3,2016,37)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Physician Heal Thyself - (25:1,2017,43)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Body, the Occult Agent (Insight) - (25:3,2017,47)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
The Creative Soul (Insight) - (27:2,2019,45)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
The parting of the ways - (27:4,2020,40)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Origin and Nature of Suffering - (32:2,2024,47)
Nolini Kanta Gupta
Fatigue and Work - (32:3,2024,46)
Norman C.Dowsett and Jyoti Sobel
The future psychology(Towards man's real personality) - (5:1,1997,44)

N. Shakuntala Manay Dr. ,R. Sreelakshmi Dr.
Qualitative vibration of thought energy on the environment - (11:1,2003,42)
N.Shakuntala Manay Dr. and R.Sreelakshmi Dr.
Psycho-physiological concept of health and nutrition: qualitative vibration of food (Research report) - (13:1,2005,40)


Pamela Siegel Dr.,Nelson Barros F. Dr.
Yoga and health: a systematic literature review - (14:4,2007,40)
Pankaj Gahunge Dr., Ashashri Shinde Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr., Sudipt Kumar Rath Dr.
A review of kutīpraveśikā rasāyana - (21:2,2013,17)
Paramkusha Rao. M. Dr.
Herb thesaurus of Ayurveda - (12:4,2005,42)
Param Pathak Dr, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr, Smruti Vaishnav Dr, Vibha Vaishnav Dr
Incorporating Spirituality in Higher Education and Patient Care: Innovative Practices - (32:3,2024,32)
Pat Williams
The girl who thought she was a cow (Reflections) - (6:2,1999,39)
Paul Dekker
Hypnosis in therapy (Case study) - (8:1,2000,21)
P.Bharathi Dr.
Pratyaahaara: as an adjunct in antihypertensive therapy - (5:2,1998,29)
P.C.Vander Sijde Dr.,F.W.J.J.Snel Dr.
Paranormal healing: an overview - (1:2,1994,86)
P.C. Williams Dr.,Katherine Treadway Dr.,J. Coulehan Dr.
Becoming a physician (Perspective) - (13:2,2005,31)
Peter Chappel Dr.
Homoeopathy in England: a review - (2:1,1994,49)
Peter Chappel Dr.
Human patterns and emotional healing - (3:1,1995,59)
Pooja Varshney
Management of Bipolar Affective Disorder: An Integral Perspective - (31:2,2023,9)
Poorva Sharma
Vir-us to rewire us - (28:2,2020,29)
Poorva Sharma
Beholding our dark shadows - (29:2,2021,19)
Prakash V.Shinde Dr.
Probable answer to the 'Question Hour' - (1:2,1994,63)
Pranav Pandya Dr.,Mamta saxena Dr.,and R. Sen Gupta Dr.
Yagya vs. Nan - yagya : a case study on the indoor microbial environment - (15:1,2007,16)
Prarthana Kalaskar, Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Sevastiana Korotynskaia
Project Empathy - (30:4,2023,48)
Pranjali Singh
A little need - (28:2,2020,51)
Prashant S. Shah
Overcoming emotional problems through pranic healing - (24:4,2017,25)
Prashant Shivanand Shah
Holistic healing and Alternative Therapies - (25:2,2017,12)
Prashant Shivanand Shah
Natural healing — in theory and practice - (25:3,2017,18)
Prashant Shivanand Shah
Assisting holistic healing with biochemic tissue-salts - (25:4,2018,19)
Prashant Shivanand Shah
Heal Yourself by Changing your Consciousness - (26:2,2018,19)
P. Rammanohar Dr.
The way to health and happiness - (26:1,2018,46)
P. Rammanohar Dr.
Managing imbalance to prevent and cure disease: the approach of Āyurveda to life, health and longevity - (26:3,2018,42)
Preeti Mahurkar
Envisioning a New Earth - (32:1,2024,10)
Preeti Mahurkar
From Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution – Liberation and Transformation - (32:3,2025,40)
Prem Sobel
Iridology - (1:1,1993,39)
Priti Patil Dr., Monika Kumari Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr., K.L. Meena Dr.,
A comprehensive review of chronic kidney disease from the Āyurvedic perspective - (22:4,2015,23)
P.S.Rugmini Dr. ,R.N. Sinha Dr.
The effect of yoga therapy in diabetes mellitus - (2:2,1995,40)
P. Sudarshan
Education and society: a philosophical perspective - (7:1,1999,17)
P. Suresh Dr., Martha Bhaskar Dr., Balakrishna Dr., Reena Dr.
Ayurveda and cancer management: a literature review (21:1,2013,12)
Pulkit Sharma
Working through the vital - (25:4,2018,27)
P.V. Sharma Dr.(Transl.)
Caraka Samhitaa (Leaf from the past) - (1:1,1993,18)
P.V. Sharma Dr.
Āyurveda moves with nature - (1:2,1994,12)
P.V. Sharma Dr.(Transl.)
Caraka Samhitaa (Leaf from the past) - (4:2,1997,63)
P.V. Sharma Dr.
Question hour - (4:2,1997,86)
P.V. Sharma Dr.
Historical biography of medicinal plants - (5:2,1998,20)
P.V. Sharma Dr. (Transl.)
Striiroga chikitsaa - (7:2,2000,53)
P.V. Sharma Dr. (Transl.)
Building of a hospital (Caraka saṁhitā(Sūtrasthāna,XV,SI. 6-7)) (Leaf from the past) - (10:3,2002,43)


Raag Yadava
On Fantasy and Reality - (30:1,2022,29)
Radhikaranjan Das Dr.
Another outlook on diabetes mellitus - (1:1,1993,44)
Radhikaranjan Das Dr.
Case study - (2:1,1994,70)
Rahul Chinappa (Think it over)
The power of prayer (19:2,2011,54)
Rajeev Rastogi Dr.,Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,R.H. Singh Dr.
What are we losing by ignoring Ayurveda? - (14:1,2006,26)
Rajesh Kumar Dr.
Letter - (18:1,2010,54)
Rajiv Rastogi Dr.,Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,Hem Chandra Dr.
Practice of the Ayurvedic system of medicine: a pilot study- (15:4,2008,19)
Dr. Rajiv Rattan
A view of love - (22,3,2014,45)
Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel
Homoeopathy and cancer - (22:1,2014,44)
Rastogi Dr.,R.H.Singh Dr.
Molecular basis of samshodhana effect in panchakarma therapy - (2:1,1994,35)
R.H.Singh Dr. & Rastogi Dr.
Molecular basis of samshodhana effect in panchakarma therapy - (2:1,1994,35)
R. H. Singh Dr.,Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
Identifying the stress area for the future research in Ayurveda: a demographic study - (6:2,1999,20)
R.H. Singh Dr.,Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,Rajeev Rastogi Dr.
What are we losing by ignoring Ayurveda?- (14:1,2006,26)
Riccardo Misto Dr.
Musical Notes and Emotions - (32:1,2024,36)
Richard Leviton
Healing vibrations - (3:1,1995,30)
Richard Moskowitz Dr.
The case against immunizations - (3:2,1996,27)
Richard Teo Dr. (A talk)
In the shadows of death (Think it over) - (20:4,2013,38)
Ritesh Gujarathi Dr., Jasmine Gujarathi Dr.
Prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women through Āyurveda - (22:3,2014,15)
Ritesh Gujarathi Dr., Jasmine Gujarathi Dr.
Diagnosis and management of anuktavyādhi (undescribed diseases) through Āyurveda - (23:2,2015,16)
RiteshGujarathi Dr. , Jasmine Gujarathi Dr.,
Upgrading Social Health Through Ayurveda - (24:4,2017,37)
Riva Gupta Dr., Archana Verma Smt., Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr.
Malarial fever and its Āyurvedic management - (19:4,2012,46)
R. L. Bijlani Dr.
Is yoga a system of medicine? - (6:1,1998,27)
R. L. Bijlani Dr.
Scientific medicine shows signs of a paradigm shift - (11:1,2003,28)
R. L. Bijlani Dr.
Body-mind medicine in action: the Integral Health Clinic of All India Institute of Medical Sciences - (12:2,2004,37)
R. L. Bijlani Dr.
What is death? - (13:4,2006,48)
R.M.Verma Dr.
Yoga and mental health - (1:1,1993,54)
R.N.Sinha Dr.,P.S.Rugmini Dr.
The effect of yoga therapy in diabetes mellitus - (2:2,1995,40)
R. Ramanan
Medical graphology - (1:2,1994,54)
R. Ramanan
Graphology as a diagnostic tool - (7:1,1999,8)
R. Ramanan
Attitudes of approach - (12:2,2004,34)
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi
Graphology as a diagnostic tool (II) - (7:2,2000,12)
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi
Medical graphology: scope & limitations - (8:1,2000,16)
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi
Understanding children through Graphology - (8:2,2000,30)
R. Ramanan & T. Vijayalakshmi
Understanding children through graphology(II) - (8:4,2001,15)
R. Sen Gupta Dr.,Mamta Saxena Dr. and Pranav Pandya Dr.
Yagya vs. Non - Yagya : a case study on the indoor microbial environment - ( 15:1,2007,16)
R. Sreelakshmi Dr. ,N. Shakuntala Manay Dr.
Qualitative vibration of thought energy on the environment - (11:1,2003,42)
R.Sreelakshmi Dr. and N.Shakuntala Manay Dr.
Psycho-physiological concept of health and nutrition: qualitative vibration of food (Research report) - (13:1,2005,40)
Reena Dr., Martha Bhaskar Rao Dr.,Balakrishna Dr., P. Suresh Dr.
Ayurveda and cancer management: a literature review - (21:1,2013,12)
Rekha K. Amar
The Anatomy of Desire - (32:3,2024,27)
Dr. Ruprekha Dutta, Dr. Asit K. Panja, , Dr. Mita Kotecha
A review Of jāṅgama dravyas (animal products) in the commentary of Siddhabheṣajamaṇimālā - (22:1,2014,16)


Sachin Shouche Dr.
Reflections - (3:2,1996,52)
S.C. Mishra Dr.
Homoeopathy for the healthy child (Letters) - (14:1,2006,48)
Sampadananda Mishra (Transl.)
Sushruta Samhitaa Su.3-15 (Leaf from the past) - (6:2,1999,75)
Sampadananda Mishra (Translated and edited)
Treatment of Elephantiasis in Sushruta Samhitaa (Leaf from the past) - (14:1,2006,24)
Sampadananda Mishra (Translated and edited)
Treatment of Elephantiasis in Sushruta Samhitaa — II (Leaf from the past) - (14:2,2006,22)
Sampadananda Mishra Dr.
Sanskrit and speech language pathology - (17:1,2009,11)
Sampadananda Mishra Dr.
Cikitsā (Think it over) - (18:3,2010,42)
Sampadananda Mishra Dr.
Sadvṛttāni — codes of good conduct - (22:3,2014,43)
Sampadananda Mishra Dr.
Principles of plant taxonomy - (24:3,2016,9)
Samuel Hahnemann Dr.
Dietetic conversation with my brother,chiefly about the instinct of the stomach (Leaf from the past) - (1:2,1994,44)
Sandeep Desai, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Somashekhar Nimbalkar Dr., Smruti Vaishnav Dr.
Code Krishna: an innovative practice respecting death, dying and beyond - (25:3,2017,11)
Sandeep Joshi
Similarities between neurological and yogic models of human memory - (18:4,2011,40)
Sandeep Joshi
Memory transference in organ transplant recipients - (19:1,2011,40)
Sandeep Joshi
Embodied cognition in yoga psychology - (19:2,2011,37)
Sandeep Joshi
Physical marks appearing after injuries sustained in dreams - (19:3,2011,22)
Sandeep Joshi
Absent-mindedness, instinctive and wilful actions - (19:4,2012,36)
Sandeep Joshi
Insights into animal cognition - (20:1,2012,29)
Sandeep Joshi
On Multi-tasking, avadhāna-kalā and multiple saṁyama - (20:2,2012,32)
Sandeep Joshi
Mental awareness in comatose patients and sleeping newborn infants - (20:3,2012,16)
Sangeeta Dr.
Reflections of a physician mother (Reflections) - (10:3,2002,45)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,R. H. Singh Dr.
Identifying the stress area for the future research in Ayurveda: a demographic study - (6:2,1999,20)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
Traditional medicinal in China (News and Views) - (8:4,2001,49)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
The Bhuj phenomenon (Perspective) - (12:3,2004,30)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,Rajeev Rastogi Dr.,R.H. Singh Dr.
What are we losing by ignoring Ayurveda? - (14:1,2006,26)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.,Hen Chandra Dr.,Rajiv Rastogi Dr.
Practice of the Ayurvedic system medicine: a pilot study - (15:4,2008,19)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
Rational utilisation of diagnostic aids in clinical practice - (16:4,2009,29)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
Special features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients visiting an Ayurvedic hospital - (17:2,2009,23)
Satyavan V. Raichura Dr.
Finally it is Faith that cures (Perspective) - (12:3,2004,30)
S.D.Biswas Dr.,Gouri Rani Ghosh Dr. & Mohini Gupta Dr.
Antimycotic activity of herbal preparations - (5:2,1998,12)
Sevastiana Korotynskaia, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury, Karen Miscall-Bannon
Project Susthiti — Healing our Covid Caregivers with Music Therapy and Yoga Therapy - (30:1,2022,23)
Sevastiana Korotynskaia, Prarthana Kalaskar, Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury,
Project Empathy - (30:4,2023,48)
Shaju M. Thomas Dr.
A folklore- (17:1,2009,17)
Shakuntala A.Singh Dr. & Ajai R.Singh Dr.
Hedonistic issues in drug dependency - (2:2,1995,57)
Sharmila Basu Dr.
Case study - (3:2,1996,63)
Sharmila Ghosh Basu & Soumitra Basu Dr.
An experiment with detoxification - (9:3,2001,35)
Sharmila Basu, Soumitra Basu Dr.
Psychological aspects of pain management — a consciousness approach (Notes on counselling) - (24:3,2016,19)
Sharon Kingman
Medical research on trial - (2:2,1995,30)
Shel Silverstein
The missing piece (Think it over) - (12:1,2004,24)
Shiela Moorthy, Ed Bauman Dr.
Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory tonic - (26:1,2018,17)
Shiela Moorthy,Ed Bauman Dr.,
Tulsi, holy basil: a gentle energy tonic - (26:4,2019,27)
Shilpi Mohan Dr.
The flower of realisation - (29:3,2021,48)
Shyama Kanugo
Menopause - a healthy stage - (16:1,2008,41)
Sigrid Lindemann
Integral Regression Therapy (Perspective) - (30:4,2023,51)
S.K. Mishra Dr.
Āyurvedic concepts of immunity - (10:3,2002,37)
S.K. Tiwari Dr.,Jai Prakash Singh Dr.
Pharmacotherapeutical appraisal of thorn apple (Datura stramonium) - (16:3,2008,46)
Somashekhar Nimbalkar Dr., Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Sandeep Desai, Smruti Vaishnav Dr.
Code Krishna: an innovative practice respecting death, dying and beyond - (25:3,2017,11)
Smruti Vaishnav Dr., Somashekhar Nimbalkar Dr., Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr., Sandeep Desai,
Code Krishna: an innovative practice respecting death, dying and beyond - (25:3,2017,11)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Two case studies in integral health - (1:1,1993,59)
Soumitra Basu Dr.& Ashish Kr.Basu Dr.
Psychiatry: an Indian approach - (1:2,1994,17)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The reaction to stress - (2:2,1995,14)
S.Basu Dr.
Case study - (2:2,1995,64)
S.Basu Dr. (reporter)
How the spiritual dimension of health was acknowledged by the World health assembly - (3:1,1995,47)
Smruti Vaishnav Dr, Param Pathak Dr, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr, Vibha Vaishnav Dr
Incorporating Spirituality in Higher Education and Patient Care: Innovative Practices - (32:3,2024,32)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Drugs,values and the time-spirit - (3:1,1995,69)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Case study - (3:1,1995,80)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Insight into the brains - (3:2,1996,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Integral health - (4:1,1996,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Time and health - (4:2,1997,28)
Soumitra Basu Dr.(Review.)
Agnihotra: a critical reappraisal - (4:2,1997,68)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Case study - (4:2,1997,92)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Ethical dilemmas and beyond - (5:1,1997,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Prana: life-energy or vital-energy - (5:2,1998,5)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The subliminal: a new dimension of personality - (5:2,1998,60)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The art of detachment (Notes on counselling) - (6:1,1998,37)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Psychotherapy and spirituality - (6:2,1999,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Psychological growth and relaxation techniques (Notes on counselling) - (6:2,1999,68)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The new dawn (Editorial) - (7:2,2000,5)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Ethics and aesthetics (Editorial) - (9:3,2001,5)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
A programme for Integral health - (10:1,2002,26)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
A report on the seminar on Death,Dying and Beyond (News from SAIIIHR) - (10:4,2003,40)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Why do we want a new approach to medicine and health?(Editorial) - (15:4,2008,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Metaphysics and health – evolution of the concept of Integral Health (Editorial)- (18:2,2010,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The healer’s hand (Notes on counselling) - (18:2,2010,39)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The question of immortality (Editorial) - (18:3,2010,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The healing space (Notes on counselling) - (18:3,2010,39)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical foundation of Integral Health – the battle of the body (Editorial) - (18:4,2011,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical foundation of Integral Health (Editorial)- (19:1,2011,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dementia – personal encounters (Notes on counselling) - (19:1,2011,25)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the cosmic consciousness (Editorial) - (19:2,2011,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with fear in children — personal notes (Notes on counselling) - (19:2,2011,35)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the asset of materialism (Editorial) - (19:3,2011,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Self-esteem in children (Notes on counselling) - (19:3,2011,50)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Metaphysical basis of Integral Health — the 'Threefold Life’ (Editorial) - (19:4,2012,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Yoga and health (Editorial) - (20:1,2012,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with stigma - (20:1,2012,39)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — beyond the sense-experience (Editorial) - (20:2,2012,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The malady of the impersonality of ethics (Notes on counselling) - (20:2,2012,42)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the inner poise (Editorial) - (20:3,2012,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The value of introspection (Notes on counselling) - (20:3,2012,44)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the three poises of reality (Editorial) - (20:4, 2013, 8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The body beautiful (Notes on counselling) - (20:4,2013,51)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the fourfold nature of the Self (Editorial) - (21:1, 2013, 8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Progressive perfection (Notes on counselling) - (21:1,2013,30)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health – issues in interconnectedness (Editorial) - (21:2, 2013, 8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Omnipresence in healing (Notes on counselling) - (21:2,2013,31)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — reconciling spirit and matter (Editorial) - (21:3, 2013, 7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Time and choice - (21:3,2013,42)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Spirit and Matter (Editorial)- (21:4,2014,11)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Fear and death - (21:4,2014,43)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — divine life (Editorial) - (22:1,2014,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The unborn spirit and the Self of eternal light (Notes on counselling) - (22:1,2014,37)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — reconciling different poises of Reality (Editorial) - (22:2,2014,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos faith (Notes on counselling) - (22:2,2014,40)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — Consciousness-Force: implications in psychology and healing (Editorial) - (22:3,2014,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Conquering negative attitudes (Notes on counselling) - (22:3,2014,36)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — relevance of the Individual (Editorial) - (22:4,2015,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The silent mind (Notes on counselling) - (22:4,2015,46)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the Integral Manifestation (Editorial) - (23:1,2015,10)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with harmony (Notes on counselling) - (23:1,2015,47)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — illusionism and health (Editorial) - (23:2,2015,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The graveyard and the intensive care unit — occult implications (Notes on counselling) - (23:2,2015,35)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — liberation and freedom (Editorial) - (23:3,2015,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
A journey through pain - a personal therapeutic saga (Notes on counselling) - (23:3,2015,21)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Metaphysical basis for Integral Health — The Alpha and the Omega (Editorial) - (23:4,2016,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The power of money (Notes on counselling) - (23:4,2016,44)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health – will-power and the body - (24:1,2016,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Beyond the Relaxation Response (Notes on counselling) - (24:1,2016,35)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — freedom and fulfilment - (24:2,2016,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The non-judgmental attitude (Notes on counselling) - (24:2,2016,47)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Freedom — different denouements (Editorial) - (24:3,2016,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr., Sharmila Basu
Psychological aspects of pain management — a consciousness approach (Notes on counselling) - (24:3,2016,19)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Metaphysical basis For Integral Health – Individual Destiny (Editorial) - (24:4,2017,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Equality – A prerequisite for higher living (Notes on counselling) - (24:4,2017,33)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health — the nature of reality (Editorial) - (25:1,2017,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Depression — a consciousness world-view (Notes on counselling) - (25:1,2017,22)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health – Integral Manifestation(Editorial) - (25:2,2017,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Infusing consciousness (Notes on counselling) - (25:2,2017,46)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos human attachment (Editorial) - (25:3,2017,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Conscious perfection — dignity of the inner being (Notes on counselling) - (25:3,2017,41)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos astrology and health (Editorial) - (25:4,2018,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Freedom of choice (Notes on counselling) - (25:4,2018,42)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
To live without dying (Editorial) - (26:1,2018,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Aftermath of suicide – a consciousness perspective (Notes on counselling) - (26:1,2018,38)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Anxiety in ontological terms (Editorial) - (26:2,2018,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The ‘I-Am’ Experience (Notes on counselling) - (26:2,2018,35)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The delusional thought-space and cosmic consciousness (Editorial) - (26:3,2018,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with broken love (Notes on counselling) - (26:3,2018,38)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The autonomy of experience and the unborn idea — Freud, Sartre and beyon (Editorial) - (26:4,2019,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
A consciousness perspective of disability (Notes on counselling) - (26:4,2019,41)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Instinct and intuition (Editorial) - (27:1,2019,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with childhood libido — a consciousness perspective (Notes on counselling) - (27:1,2019,39)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with the ego (Editorial) - (27:2,2019,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The therapeutic barter (Notes on counselling) - (27:2,2019,37)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The metaphysical basis for Integral Health: Issues of life and death (Editorial) - (27:3,2019,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dealing with bereavement (Notes on counselling) - (27:3,2019,32)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The meta-psychology of reason (Editorial) - (27:4,2020,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Dissociation of consciousness — implications in psychology and yoga (Notes on counselling) (27:4,2020,34)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Analytical and synthetic approaches in psychology and psychiatry (Notes on counselling) - (28:1,2020,20)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The dangers of oversimplification (Editorial) - (28:2,2020,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Moving beyond fear (Editorial) - (28:3,2020,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
To work or not to work (Notes on counselling) - (28:3,2020,42)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos Aggression (Editorial) - (28:4,2021,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Connotations of freedom in counselling (Notes on counselling) - (28:4,2021,39)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos exclusivism in thinking (Editorial) - (29:1,2021,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos the heaviness factor in relaxation (Notes on counselling) - (29:1,2021,44)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Meditations on the current pandemic - (29:2,2021,33)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos destruction (Editorial) - (29:3,2021,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Phobias in children — price for a civilised life? (Notes on counselling) - (29:3,202144)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Art of Listening (Editorial) - (29:4,2022,9)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Perfection — shifting nuances (Notes on counselling) - (29:4,2022,37)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Genesis of Pain in the Matrix of Consciousness (Editorial) - (30:1,2022,11)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Pain-Pleasure-Indifference (Editorial) - (30:2,2022,8)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Consciousness: An Expanding Experiential Construct - (30:2,2022,21)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The True Centre of Integration (Editorial) - (30:3,2022,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Consciousness — the Need for a New Paradigm - (30:3,2022,23)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Physician and the Soldier (Editorial) - (30:4,2023,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos Friendship (Notes on counselling) - (30:4,2023,43)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos Parapsychology (Editorial) - (31:1,2023,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Truly Anonymous (Notes on counselling) - (31:1,2023,38)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Seeking of Happiness (Editorial) - (31:2,2023,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Premonitory Dreams (Notes on counselling) - (31:2,2023,45)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Sri Aurobindo’s Prevision of a Greater Psychology - (31:3,2023,27)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Sri Aurobindo’s Comments on Western Psychology - (31:4,2024,18)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Physical Mind - (32:1,2024,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Pursuit of Beauty (Notes on counselling) - (32:1,2024,46)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Apropos the Physical Plane of Consciousness (Editorial) - (32:2,2024,6)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
The Vital Plane of Consciousness — Insights from Integral Yoga (Editorial) - (32:3,2024,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Expanding the Mind (Editorial) - (32:4,2025,7)
Soumitra Basu Dr.,A.K. Basu Dr.
The genesis of psychiatry in India - (9:4,2002,28)
Soumitra Basu Dr. & Alok Pandey Dr.
Mystics and psychotics (Think it over) - (3:2,1996,20)
Soumitra Basu Dr. & Alok Pandey Dr.
Reflections on the Upahaar cinema tragedy (Think it over) - (5:2,1998,67)
Soumitra Basu Dr. & Sharmila Ghosh Basu Ms.
An experiment with detoxification - (9:3,2001,35)
S.P. Tiwari Dr.
Living with ageing (Letter) - (19:4,2012,52)
Sri Aurobindo,The Mother
The secret towards which pain leads us (Insight) - (2:2,1995,54)
Sri Aurobindo,Nirodbaran Dr.
Medical humour - (5:1,1997,41)
Sri Aurobindo (Transl.)
Kena upanishad (Leaf from the past) - (5:1,1997,64)
Sri Aurobindo
Pranic Shakti (Think it over) - (8:2,2000,29)
Sri Aurobindo
Perfection of the body - (15:2,2007,4)
Sri Aurobindo,
The Divine Body - (15:3,2007,4)
Sri Aurobindo,
Sri Aurobindo on homeopathy - (18:2,2010,24)
Sri Aurobindo,
Apropos physical consciousness and health (Perspective) - (23:2,2015,38)
Sri Aurobindo
Electron - (23:4,2016,48)
Sri Aurobindo
Man, the Thinking Animal - (25:2,2017,48)
Sri Aurobindo
The Little Ego - (29:3,2021,50)
Sri Aurobindo
Form - (29:4,2021,48)
Sri Aurobindo
Parts of the Being and Illness - (30:2,2022,4)
Sri Aurobindo
The Object of Our Yoga - (30:3,2022,4)
Sri Aurobindo
The Need of Quietude - (31:1,2023,4)
Sri Aurobindo
Transformation - (31:1,2023,50)
Sri Aurobindo
The Golden Light - (31:4,2024,48)
Sri Aurobindo
The Hour of God - (32:2,2024,4)
Sri Aurobindo,the Mother
The coming race (16:1,2008,4)
Sri Aurobindo and Nirodbaran Dr.
Shifting to the Dispensary - (24:4,2017,47)
Srikantha Arunachalam Dr.
The cosmic evolution - (21:3,2013,27)
Sriram Narayanan Dr.
Perspective - (1:2,1994,65)
Subhasree Ray
A review of folate status in diet and DNA methylation with an explanation by nutrient-gene interaction - (22:1,2014,32)
Sudipt Kumar Rath Dr., Ashashri Shinde Dr. , Pankaj Gahunge Dr., Asit Kumar Panja Dr.
A review of kutīpraveśikā rasāyana - (21:2,2013,17)
Sujata Vaidya Dr.
Mind over matter? - (23:1,2015,53)
Letter - (17:4,2010,48)
Suman Godara, Dr. Asit Kumar Panja
Ethical considerations in the Āyurveda classics - 23:4,2016,37)
Swarupa Nishar Dr. and Govind Nishar
Āyurveda in the light of the Integral Yoga - (18:1,2010,25)
Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr.,Archana Verma Dr.
Clinical study on banyan milk and turmeric powder - (15:1,2007,50)
Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr.,Archana Verma Dr.
Āyurvedic management of baldness - (16:2,2008,17)
Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr., Riva Gupta Dr., Smt. Archana Verma,
Malarial fever and its Āyurvedic management - (19:4,2012,46)
Surendra Pal Singh Jaijania Dr., Dharmpal Bhatt Dr. ,
An evaluation of karañjādi taila and guñjā phala lepa in the management of khalitya - (20:3,2012,33)
S.P. Popli Dr.
Science and Soul (Reflections) - (10:1,2002,35)
S.P. Popli Dr.
Modern myths which haunt us - (11:2,2003,38)
S. Kavimani Dr. & V.M.Mounnissamy Dr.
Traditional source of medicine (Female anti-fertility) - (8:3,2000,10)
S.R. Srikantha Murthy Prof.
Rogaanutpaadaniiya (Prevention of diseases) (Leaf from the past)- (9:2,2001,26)
Sumit Bajoria
Let’s explore anger (Think it over) - (27:1,2019,46)
Sushmita Mukherjee
How true it is? - (26:2,2018,31)
Sushmita Mukherjee
Transforming desire to divine aspiration, an energy transformation (Reflections) - (27:1,2019,34)
Sushmita Mukherjee
Neutrally positive positively neutral - (27:3,2019,20)
Sushmita Mukherjee
Namaskar: Union - (31:4,2024,44)
Sushmita Mukherjee
Inhabit, Light! (Think it Over) - (32:2,2024,41)
Sushmita Mukherjee
Meaning: Meaning? (Think it over)- (32:3,2024,43)
S.V. Prasad Dr. & M. Bhaskar Rao Dr.
Multi-centre study of Kshaarasuutra in high anal fistula - (8:4,2001,28)


Tim McGraw
Heartwarming kids (Reflections) - (11:2,2003,24)
Tinus Smits Dr.
Post-vaccination syndrome (Classical reprint) - (11:4,2004,39)
Triasha Paul
Embracing life at midnight(Think it over) - (28:1,2020,38)
T. Vijayalakshmi & R. Ramanan
Graphology as a diagnostic tool (II) - (7:2,2000,12)
T. Vijayalakshmi & R. Ramanan
Medical graphology: scope & limitations - (8:1,2000,16)
T. Vijayalakshmi & R. Ramanan
Understanding children through graphology - (8:2,2000,30)
T. Vijayalakshmi ,R. Ramanan
Understanding children through graphology (II) - (8:4,2001,15)


U.R. Pachegaonkar Dr.
From a homoeopath's record (Case study) - (9:4,2002,16)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr. ,& Arati Sharma Dr.
A case of Hepatitis C (Case study) - (17:4,2010,31)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr. ,& Arati Sharma Dr.
A case of post-herpetic neuralgia with keloids - (18:4,2011,32)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr. ,& Arati Sharma Dr.
Follow-up to ‘A case of hepatitis C’ - (20:1,2012,50)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr. ,& Arati Sharma Dr.
A journey with homoeopathy (Case study) - (22:3,2014,39)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr. ,& Arati Sharma Dr.
A case study — regression of uterine fibroids (Case study) - (24:1,2016,40)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr., Arati Sharma Dr.
Adequate hydration — a key to health - (24:3,2016,30)
Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar Dr., Arati Sharma Dr.
Healthy bowel habits - (27:2,2019,32)


Vallath Nandini Dr.
Idealistic vision of a Healing Centre - (14:3,2006,40)
Vallath Nandini Dr.
Being ill in current times - (17:4,2010,42)
M.S. Valiathan
Allopathy and Ayurveda (Question hour) - (15:2,2007,56)
Valsa Koshi Dr.,Chatura Prabhakar Dr. & B.Vaidyanathan Dr.
Effect of Shankhapushpii on the physical & mental agility of institutionalised children: a preliminary study - (4:2,1997,71)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Reflections (Perspective) - (2:2,1995,70)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Health: a dynamic inner equilibrium - (3:2,1996,54)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Use of flower remedies: a personal experience - (4:1,1996,87)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Flower remedies based on the significances given to flowers by the Mother - (6:1,1998,9)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Flower remedies with significances from the Mother (II) - (7:1,1999,49)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Flower blessings: a glimpse - (13:3,2005,41)
Vandana Gupta Dr. (compiled by)
Water - (16:1,2008,26)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Flower essences for a case of chronic stress (Case study) - (20:3,2012,39)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
The effect of flower remedies on bodily symptoms - (20:4,2013,12)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Body consciousness work - (25:4,2018,46)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR - (17:1,2009,30)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (II) - (17:2,2009,42)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (III) - (17:3,2009,45)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (IV) - (17:4,2010,22)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR V - (18:1,2010,43)
Vandana Gupta Dr. & Nancy Whitlow
Flower essences from SAIIIHR (VI) - (18:2,2010,29)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
Materialistic and holistic thought - (16:3,2008,23)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
A look at paradigms of disease (Think it over) - (18:2,2010,34)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
Photobionics — an innovative application of the law of similars - (21:3,2013,39)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
Photobionics — experiments and results - (21:4,2014,20)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
The purpose of stress (Perspective) - (24:1,2016,43)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
The wheel of lower life - (28:3,2020,11)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
In vitro or in vivo? The question before modern science (Insight) - (29:2,2021,46)
Venkatesh Palla Dr.
The nature of higher life - (29:4,2022,20)
Venkatesh Palla Dr., Anil Kumar Sagi Dr.
Growing leafy vegetables with Photobionics - (22:2,2014,28)
Vernon Howard
Stop believing in your own weakness (Perspective) - (19:3,2011,54)
Veronik Menanteau
The experience of surrender (Reflection) - (25:3,2017,44)
Vibha Vaishnav Dr, Param Pathak Dr, Bhalendu Vaishnav Dr, Smruti Vaishnav Dr,
Incorporating Spirituality in Higher Education and Patient Care: Innovative Practices - (32:3,2024,32)
Vidula Javalgelkar
'Subconscious' help for a problem child (Question hour) - (1:1,1993,64)
V. Sreedhar Dr.,Asit Kumar Panja Dr.,B.L. Gaur Prof.,
Flowers in ancient classics - (12:3,2004,33)
V.M. Mounnissamy Dr. & S. Kavimani Dr.
Traditional source of medicine(Female anti-fertility) - (8:3,2000,10)
V. M. Mounnissamy
Spirulina - (9:4,2002,44)
V.V. Bhat Sri & K.H. Krishnamurthy Dr.
Embryogenesis (Leaf from the past) - (10:2,2002,42)


The Wall Street Journal
Management (Think it over) - (16:3,2008,54)
Wilfried Huchzermeyer Dr.
Medicine with (out) a soul - (1:1,1993,74)
World Medical Association
International code of medical ethics - (16:3,2008,55)


Yasemin Bolkan
Tales of transformation (Perspective) - (9:4,2002,49)
Y. Balasubramanian
Pearls on garlic : the wonder bulb - (15:1,2007,41)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
Consciousness as medicine - (20:4,2013,55)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
My healing journey through the consciousness approach - (21:2,2013,43)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
Love healed the bones — a case study in consciousness as medicine - (22:1,2014,40)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
The power of inner space — a case study in Consciousness as Medicine - (23:1,2015,50)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
Consciousness as medicine: reflections and experiences with acute illnesses - (23:4,2016,9)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
“Pain simply flows out” — insights on healing pain - (25:1,2017,9)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
Love your body – Healing will follow - (25:2,2017,20)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
A consciousness approach to manage lifestyle disorders - (27:1,2019,25)
Yogesh Mohan Dr.
Conscious Journey towards a Stress-free State - (30:2,2022,47)
Y.V. Chawla Dr.
Understanding the disease beyond pathological analysis (Perspective) - (7:2,2000,30)
Y.V. Chawla Dr.
Disease — the inner disharmony (Perspective) - (12:2,2004,25)
Y. V. Chawla Dr.
Order — disorder (Think it over) - (12:4,2005,38)

Book reviews

Ajit K. Kulkarni Dr.
The law of similars - (11:3,2003,42)
Ajit K. Kulkarni Dr.
The potency dilemma - tailoring the remedy to the patient - (11:3,2003,42)
-Ajit K. Kulkarni Dr. ,P.I. Tarkass Dr.
A select homoeopathic materia medica,Part I - (2:2,1995,82)
A.K. Mukhopadhya Dr.
Conquering the brain towards the essence of the multiversity and the Akhanda paradigm - (10:1,2002,39)
Alan H. Pressman with Helen Tracy
Gingko-nature's brain booster - (8:3,2000,47)
Alok Pandey Dr.
Death,Dying and Beyond - (14:1,2006,50)
Arjun RajagopalanDr. and T.K.V. Desikachar
The yoga of healing - (8:1,2000,47)
A.S.Dalal Dr.
Living within - (1:1,1993,92)
B. Kadiri Koya Dr.
Quadric potencies - (11:1,2003,53)
Brad Steiger
One with the light - (5:1,1997,101)
Brian Weiss Dr.
Many lives many masters - (5:2,1998,77)
Brian Weiss Dr.
Only love is real - (6:1,1998,77)
Caroline M.Myss & C.Norman Shealy Dr.
AIDS : passageway to transformation - (3:2,1996,88)
Caroline Myss & C.Norman Shealy Dr.
The creation of health - (7:2,2000,74)
Cherie Sutherland
Within the light - (4:1,1996,100)
C.Norman Shealy Dr.& Caroline M.Myss
AIDS : passageway to transformation - (3:2,1996,88)
C.Norman Shealy Dr. & Caroline Myss
The creation of health - (7:2,2000,74)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
Mother and Me - (12:2,2004,50)
D.B.Bisht Dr.
Stoma Care - (12:2,2004,51)
Danion Brinkley with P.Perry.
Saved by the light - (3:1,1995,90)
Danion Brinkley with Paul Perry
At peace in the light - (4:2,1997,103)
Deepak Chopra Dr.
The way of the wizard - (5:2,1998,78)
Donald Hotton
50 Reasons for being a homoeopath - (8:4,2001,52)
E. Balakrishna
Homoeopathy-the scientific medicine - (9:1,2001,50)
Edward Cotter,copyright Phillis Speight
Homoeopathic teachings from a master - (9:4,2002,52)
Eldon Taylor
Wellness: just a state of mind? - (7:2,2000,75)
George Vithoulkas
A new model for health and disease - (2:1,1994,82)
Grant Solomon and Jane
Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe - (9:2,2001,51)
Grant Solomon
Psychic Surgeon Stephen Turoff - (9:1,2001,52)
H. Chitkara Dr.
Relationship of homoeopathic remedies: a new compendium - (10:1,2002,42)
Helen Tracy with Alan H. Pressman
Gingko: nature's brain booster - (8:3,2000,47)
Ian Rodger and Michael Evans Dr.
Anthroposophical medicine - (4:2,1997,101)
Jack Schwartz
Human energy systems - (1:2,1994,101)
Jane and Grant Solomon
Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe - (9:2,2001,51)
Living on light - (7:1,1999,77)
Jim Stovall
Wisdom of the Ages - (18:4,2011,52)
Jonathan Stallick
AIDS: the homoeopathic challenge - (6:1,1998,77)
Jugal Kishore Dr.
Evolution of homoeopathic repertories and repertorisation - (9:3,2001,49)
Julian Barnard
The collected writings of Edward Bach - (8:1,2000,48)
Julian Barnard
Patterns of life force - (9:2,2001,52)
Keith Thompson
Angels and Aliens - (10:1,2002,39)
Latha Dr.
Yoga and cardiac health promotion - (7:1,1999,80)
Linda Schierse Leonard
Creations heart beat following the reindeer spirit - (5:1,1997,102)
Louis Leonard Dr.
The ultimate experience of Fire and Ice - (18:3,2010,44)
Louise L.Hay
Heal your body - (3:2,1996,91)
Marc Ian Barasch
The healing path: a soul approach to illness - (2:2,1995,80)
Marilee Zdenek
Inventing the future - (1:2,1994,101)
Meir Schneider
Self healing: my life and vision - (3:1,1995,91)
Melvin Morse Dr. and Paul Perry
Transformed by the light - (4:1,1996,101)
Michael Evans Dr. and Ian Rodger
Anthroposophical medicine - (4:2,1997,101)
Michael Trembath
The hand that heals - (10:4,2003,56)
Mirza Anwar Baig Dr.
Myths and reality about AIDS - (10:3,2002,54)
Neeltje Huppes
Physic Education: a workbook - (9:3,2001,48)
Paul Davies
The cosmic blueprint - (2:1,1994,84)
P. Perry with Danion Brinklery
Saved by the Light - (3:1,1995,90)
Paul Perry with Danion Brinkley
At peace in the light - (4:2,1997,103)
Paul Perry and Melvin Morse
Transformed by the Right - (4:1,1996,101)
Peter Paresh
Medicines: a guide for everybody - (4:2,1997,103)
P.I.Tarkas Dr.,Ajit K.Kulkarni Dr.
A select homoeopathic materia medica,Part I - (2:2,1995,82)
P.N. Varma Dr.
Low attenuation trituration tablets: their efficacy and possible side-effects - (8:2,2000,52)
Priyavrat Sharma Prof.
Ayurveda darshanam - (3:2,1996,86)
P.V.Sharma Dr.
Shodashaanghridayam: essentials of Ayurveda - (2:2,1995,81)
Ray Sahelian
Melatonin: nature's sleeping pill - (8:2,2000,51)
Reshad Field
Here to heal - (6:2,1999,83)
Richard Hartz & Susan
Integral Healing - (13:3,2005,49)
Rima Handley
A homoeopathic love story - (3:2,1996,87)
Robert T. Cooper
Cancer and cancer symptoms - (10:1,2002,41)
Rosemary Altea
Proud Spirit - (9:1,2001,48)
Rdiger Dahlke. M.D. and Thorwald Dethlefsen (Translated by Peter Lemesurier)
The healing power of illness - (1:1,1993,91)
Rudolph M. Ballentine
Radical healing - (8:3 ,2000,46)
Rupert Sheldrake
A new science of life - (2:1,1994,85)
Sandia Rogers
Lessons from the light - (4:1,1996,100)
Sanjeev Rastogi.Dr.
Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Rheumatology - (18:2,2010,48)
S. Cromwell Crawford Dr.
Hindu Bioethics for the twenty-first Century - (12:3,2004,47)
Shubhrata Prakash
The D Word: A Survivor’s Guide to Depression - (25:1,2017,47)
Shardha Bhat Dr. and S.M. Gunavante Dr.
The amazing power of homoeopathy - (9:4,2002,51)
S.M. Gunavante Dr. and Shardha Bhat Dr.
The amazing power of homoeopathy - (9:4,2002,51)
Soumitra Basu Dr.
Integral health - (8:3,2000,48)
Sree Chakravarti
A healer's journey - (10:3,2002,55)
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust,India
Health and healing in yoga - (1:1,1993,91)
Susan & Richard Hartz
Integral Healing - (13:3,2005,49)
T.Colin Camp bell ,Ph.D. ,Thomas M.Campbell II
The China Study - (14:4,2007,51)
Third world Network Features
The art of medicine has gone wayside - (15:3,2007,22)
Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rdiger Dahlke. M.D. (Translated by Peter Lemesurier)
The healing power of illness - (1:1,1993,91)
T.K.V. Desikachar and Arjun RajagopalanDr.
The yoga of healing - (8:1,2000,47)
Tsai Chih Chung,(Transl. Brian Bruya)
Zen speaks : shouts of nothingness - (5:2,1998,78)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
Healing Through Knowledge - (18:2,2010,46)
Vandana Gupta Dr.
The Body Speaks... Healing through Knowledge - (25:1,2017,46)
V.K. Arumugham Dr.
Human Mind and Homoeopathy - (12:1,2004,46)
Yogacharya T. Krishnamacharya
Sri Nathamuni's Yogarahasya - (7:1,1999,79)

New Age News

Neural transplantation: death of the 'heart' to make the brain live - (1:2,1994,97)
Nutrition research: artificial methods and trace elements - (1:2,1994,97)
Teaching the human touch: learning the art of medicine - (1:2,1994,98)
The normal controls: myth or reality!! - (2:1,1994,80)
Lisa M.Krieger
Antibiotics failing to maintain edge over evolving microbes - (2:1,1994,80)
Mental formations and visualization - (1:1,1993,87)
Medical tourism - (1:1,1993,87)
Underwater meditation - (1:1,1993,88)
Holistic animal news - (1:1,1993,88)
Prenatal audition - (1:1,1993,89)
Homeopathy today - (1:1,1993,90)

News and Views

Camille Van Neer
Professional profile of psychic healers - (2:2,1995,77)
Camille Van Neer
Laughing and health - (2:2,1995,78)
Camille Van Neer
A search for a foundation for physiology - (2:2,1995,78)
Winning rhythms - (3:1,1995,87)
The oldest old - (3:1,1995,87)
A disturbing trend - (3:1,1995,88)
Coronary heart disease - (3:1,1995,89)
Vaccinations: need for a re-appraisal - (4:1,1996,90)
A new drug for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - (4:1,1996,91)
The Indian cow and medicine - (4:2,1997,98)
Primary dysmenhorroea: is vitamin B1 a cure? - (4:2,1997,98)
Hazards of acupuncture - (4:2,1997,99)
Poetic health - (4:2,1997,99)
Codex Alimentarius - (7:1,1999,75)
The evolutionary theory - (8:1,2000,45)
Cox-2 inhibitors a lesson in the unexpected - (13:1,2005,44)
Herbal medicine in Europe - (13:2,2005,50)
N. Loganathan Dr.
Hepatitis B vaccine - is it a solution for Hepatitis B infection? - (9:3,2001,52)
N. Loganathan Dr.
Puthupattu forest - the lore and the treasure - (9:3,2001,54)
Richard Alleyne and Kate Dev lin
Genetic cures have proven a 'false dawn' - (18:1,2010,51)
Sanjeev Rastogi Dr.
Traditional medicine in China - (8:4,2001,49)
Third World Network Features
The art of Medicine has gone wayside - (15:3,2007,22)
Wolfgang Weide Weidenhammer Dr.
Acupuncture on patients with tension-type headache: randomised controlled trial - (15:4,2008,65)